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12 Dec 2022

I'm sorry this is a old one ik it's not good but I just wanted to post it :')

It has been two hours since Yeosang came to gym, lifting weights and doing planks. He was sweating like crazy. After five more minutes he let go of the weight and sighed a long sigh. He leaned against the metal bar and breathed in and out. Exhaustion coming stronger as he finished.

Yeosang pov.

I finished my workout and was ready to go back to the dorm but realized that my legs ached so much that i couldn't stand straight. So only solution being taking a can i mustered the energy to stand up. Struggling but standing up in the end slowly making my way to the dressing room. I took my towel and wiped my sweat since i didn't want to get sick. Taking my things i left the gym and called a cab. After a five minute ride i reached the dorm. Thanking the driver and getting out. I slowly climbed the stairs. I liked it at first thinking it would be exercise but not today. Finally reaching the door i knocked. A few seconds later the door opened revealing a smiling Seonghwa.

"Oh you're back. Come inside." Seonghwa hyung said. I got inside took my shoes off and was about to head back to my room when Wooyoung came bouncing towards me. He was wearing a apron.

"Hey Yeosang, i made you're favorite today. I guess you're gonna shower. Come after you're done." He said smiling. I hummed in reply. Too tired to talk. I put my bag next to my bed and walked to the drawrs to take something comfortable. Going to the bathroom i closed the door behind me. Slowly taking the sweat covered clothes off. I turned on the water and waited a bit for it to warm up. When it wasn't that so cold i got under the water. I closed my eyes and just let the water cool me down and relax my muscles. I did my routine. After that i closed the water and got out of the shower. Cold air hitting me and making me have goosebumps. I quickly took my towel and wrapped it around my waist. I dried off and wore my sweatpants and hoodie. Drying my hair after it. I got out the bathroom and went to the kitchen. It was 6 pm. Since i we had the day off after afternoon i decided to work out. Most of them were sitting and Seongjoong was talking about something in the lounge room. Wooyoung was serving the food. When i entered the kitchen he looked up at me and smiled. I sat down next to Yunho and soon everyone was digging in the food Wooyoung made. Praising him from time to time. After dinner i felt tired so i got up and went to my shared room. Others were probably gonna watch a movie or something. I flopped on my bed and snuggled to my sheets. A soft sigh leaving my lips at the comfortable material i cuddled up to. I closed my eyes and was ready to sleep when the door opened again. I didn't open my eyes to see who it is. I felt the bed dip and a hand started running through my hair. It felt nice and i relaxed even more.

"Yeosang, we are gonna watch a movie. Do you wanna join? It will mostly be a cuddle session tho." Seonghwa Hyung said softly. I thinked for a moment before answering.

"Ok." I said. But it got muffled by the sheets.

"Ok lets get you up then." Hyung said. I nodded and got up. Even that takes a lot of energy why? We got to the lounge room and everyone was cuddled up in blankets and they looked at us when we came in.

"Come on. We're starting." Hongjoong said. I sat down next to Wooyoung and San and Wooyoung immediately hugged me. I meltem in his emberace. He always takes my exhaustion away. I put my head on his shouder and the movie started. In halfway my eyes started to close and i tried to resist but in the end just let them fall.


"He is so cute." I heard a whisper. A hand was running through my hair. I didn't open my eyes and just relaxed.

"Sangie, it's more comfortable at the bed than in the couch." I heard San say. I opened my eyes and i was met with two big eyes looking back at mine. Wooyoung gave me a gentle smile. I smiled back and sat up. Apperantly sitting up directly after sitting down is not a good idea. I lost my balance and leaned at the arm of the couch. I felt arms around my waist and saw San holding me.

"Sat up too fast." I said sheepishly. He sighed and shook his head.

"Be careful." He told me. Giving a small smile. I nodded. Going to my room i laid down and closed my eyes. Pulling the sheets up to my head and putting another pillow between my legs. A few minutes later i felt the sheets go up and someone got in the bed. Arms wrapped around my waist and i felt San cuddle closer to me. I didn't say anything just slept with the warmth of my friend.


Yeosang continued his routine for the next weeks. Getting compliments from his members about how hard working he is. Which led to now. He was passed out on the bed. In his bed. After gym he was left with zero energy so the second he closed his eyes he was out.

"YEOSA-" Wooyoung screamed entering the room but got quiet when he necede Yeosang sleeping.

"Sorry" he whispered. Even thought he couldn't hear him. He left the room to sit back on the table.

"He is sleeping" Wooyoung informed Seonghwa. Who was putting puding on the table for everyone.

"But it's only 6" he said. Not knowing why Yeosang was sleeping at this hour when normally he would socialize with them.

"Maybe he is tired" Wooyoung said with a shrug. Taking a spoonful of chocolate puding. Seonghwa left the kitchen to check on Yeosang. As said he was sleeping sprawled on the bed.

"He looks tired" Seonghwa said quietly. Sitting next to him and patting his leg. Yeosang didn't stir even a bit. Sleeping like a rock. This worried Seonghwa. How hard was Yeosang practicing that made him so tired. He pulled the blanket up on Yeosang and kissed his forehead. Then left.


Yeosang was tired. Which was easy to tell. His moves weren't sharp and he was a beat off. The others decided to leave it for today and didn't mention anything. During a break he Yeosang could feel his eyes drop. He pinched his leg severler times to stay awake. Hongjoong was watching him the whole time and his frown deepened. He sat next to Yeosang.

"Hey you ok" he asked. Yeosang snapped back to reality and nodded. Rubbing his eyes to stop the stinging.

"Youbcan rest if you want" Hongjoong said. Putting a hand on his knee.

"But we have practice" he said. Eyes slipping again.

"You are good anyway. A little rest won't hurt" Hongjoong said with a reassuring smile. Yeosang hummed and let sleep take him. He was out in seconds. This made Hongjoong worried.

"He sleeping" San asked. Coming next to them.

"Yeah, he looks tired" Hongjoong said witha sigh.

"Maybe we should take him back to the dorm" San suggested. Hongjoong thought for a minute.

"Do you think you can stay with him" he asked. Looking at San.

"Yeah Ofcourse" San said quickly. San then carried him to the car. Manager driving back to the dorm. At the dorm he layed Yeosang down. Pulling the blanket up. Smiling when Yeosang snuggled to his pillow. He spent some time watch TV. By the time the others arrived he was making ramen.

"Is Sangie still sleeping" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah" San said. Eating his ramen. Wooyoung got to his room to see Yeosang sleeping soundly. It was unusual for him to sleep this much. He knelt next to bed and ran a hand through his hair. Yeosang stirred. Looking at Wooyoung with droopy eyes.

"Hey how are you" the younger asked.

"I'm good" Yeosang mumbled. Leaning in his hand.

"You can't tire yourself this much Sangie" Wooyoung said. Getting in bed himself and hugging Yeosang.

"Sorry" Yeosang replied. Snuggling to Wooyoung.

"You know you need to rest too right" Wooyoung said quietly. Running a hand through his blond hair.

"Yeah, i won't it again" Yeosang whispered.

"You better not" the younger warned softly. "I don't like seeing you like this" he whispered on his hair. Yeosang hummed. Wooyoung promised himself to keep an eye on Yeosang from now on.

This may not be good but i hope you like it🫐🫐

anyway, have a good day. You all 🍎

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