you're beautiful

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This contains ED behavior. If you are triggered by it don't read it for yourself.

It all started with one comment.

Your thighs are big.

How was Wooyoung supposed to react to that? He knew his figure wasn't slim like Seonghwa or San. Even Yeosang had a admirable body. Wooyoung couldn't help but notice how Hongjoong didn't seem to care and keep his weight. How Seonghwa's stomach looked so thin from the side that you couldn't tell if it's morning waist or food waist. How San seemed to grow muscle yet still have a tiny waist. It all came in a jumbled mess when he felt his own body keeping him off the beat while dancing and how his stomach bloated even with just water.

"Wooyoung" Hongjoong said. Waving his hand in front of the boy.

"Huh" Wooyoung asked. His eyes unfocused from the point on the wall he zoned out.

"Food is here come sit" the leader said. Ushering Wooyoung to sit next to him on the floor.

Wooyoung reluctantly sat between San and Hongjoong. His hands hesitant as he mix the noodles and some meat the manager got for them. The food looked so inviting that Wooyoung couldn't stop himself from taking a bit. And another. As he was about to take more his hand stopped mid air. Putting the chopsticks down Wooyoung shuffled back a little. Laying on the cold floor as he watched the others eat without a care.


Wooyoung was hungry. He could feel his stomach asking for food but ut was midnight. Normally he would eat the chocolate bar in the fridge. Spoon the ice cream, eat the cereal with the remaining milk. But he couldn't do that.

"Look if you want to be skinny don't eat. You will eat breakfast anyway" Wooyoung muttered. Talking himself out of the thoughts and got under covers again. The bed warm and cozy.

"Just for a week. Then you will eat whatever you want" Wooyoung thought before sleep engulfed him.


Wooyoung was sad. He ate all the chocolate, which was a chocolate bar and some cookies, and now he felt guilty. Guilty for not keeping up to his diet. He did well on snacking less the whole week but today the sweets seemed to call him even more. With a heavy weight in his chest Wooyoung laid back in bed. Hating how his belly squished when he sat down or rolled on his side. Feeling his bloated belly he couldn't help but feel nausea come in the back of his throat. Another glass of water wasn't a good option, he learned.


"Woo" Yeosang called out. Reaching Wooyoung who stopped for Yeosang to come. The two walk to the practice room. As the group stretch Wooyoung observed San. How his skin seemed to glow and how flexible he is. Hating how his side felt uncomfortable when he leaned right. The skin squishing in a way that made Wooyoung grimace. It wasn't enough. The amount of food he cut, the time he gave to measuring his waist and thighs, hours of workout. It wasn't enough.

"Hey Woo we are starting" Seonghwa said. Snapping Wooyoung out of his thoughts. He got up from where he sat on the floor and took his position in deja vu. Focusing on his moves as the music began. It didn't take long for the joy pf simply dancing to take over. Forgetting about the main problem for a moment.

"Five minute" Hongjoong announced. Sipping his water. Offering Wooyoung a bottle.

The younger took it gladly and downed the bottle in once.

"Slow down you don't want to choke on water" Hongjoong said. Laughing at Wooyoung's flushed face.

"San, you're so good at this" Yeosang commented. Getting Wooyoung's attention. San was repeating the steps, trying to do it better.

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