unknown fever

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This is a short one since i finally felt like writing something. Have a good day!

The hours passed by in a blur. Jongho, still sleeping, didn't realize it's already 11 pm.

"Oh god" Jongho breathe out. Sitting up slowly to see Wooyoung and Yeosang already in bed.

"Jongho! You're finally awake" Wooyoung said. Looking at the frowning boy with a smile.

Jongho could only hum.

"You good" Wooyoung asked. Walking over to Jonghos bed. He sit next to Jongho, brushing the hair off his forehead. Jongho didn't say anything. Just leaned in the touch and rested his head on Wooyoung's chest.

It was quiet for the next hour. Only the sound of breathing of the three in the room present.

"You know, sometimes talking helps" Wooyoung said softly. Rubbing jonghos back.

When Jongho stayed silent again, Wooyoung pulled back a little to see the maknae had fallen asleep. He put Jongho in bed and covered him with the warm blanket.

"Sleep well" Wooyoung whispered. Going back to his bed.


Jongho was tired. So, so tired. He didn't have any energy to dance, let alone speak. So when he tugged at Hongjoongs shirt and asked to rest for today, the leader was worried.

"Are you sick" Hongjoong asked. Looking for any sign of fever. Jongho shook his head.

"I'm tired and a little queasy" Jongho whispered. Closing his eyes.

"Do you need anything? Water? Food?" Hongjoong asked. Jongho shook his head again. Indicating that he just needs rest. The group started practice. Jongho drifted to sleep, music in the background.


"What the-" Jongho mumbled. Rubbing his eyes. He was back in the dorm.

"Oh you're awake, i made you some soup" Seonghwa said as he walked in.

Jongho let Seonghwa feed him. Now noticing the fever patch on his forehead. He took the medicine Seonghwa gave and layed down.

"Do you feel better" Seonghwa ask. Feeling Jongho's cheek with the back of his hand.

"I guess, i don't know. I feel like this is all a dream" Jongho whisper. Looking at Seonghwa with hazy eyes. The older smiled softly at the younger. Stroking his hair.

"İt's ok. You just rest" Seonghwa said softly. Pecking Jongho's nose and leaving the boy alone.

Jongho slept the whole night, not even disturbed by the game thw other's are playing rather loud. In his dazed state he felt a hand on his forehead.

"Hey" San whispered. Crouching next to Jongho's level. "You look so cute like this, do you need anything" he asked. Now changing the patch with a cold towel.

Jongho just closed his eyes. Turning to San and stretch his arm out. San hold Jongho's hand. Rubbing his knuckles.

"İt's ok. This will pass and you will be in just fine" San said gently. Jongho hummed. Sleep calling him again.

"Sleep well, aegi" San said softly. Giving his hand one last squeeze and leaving Jongho to rest.

Hi. Hope you like it.🫐

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