Voices (2)

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Same as last story, go read that first since this is a part 2 👍

also excuse how unhinged my writing is today

OH also this is technically part of my void-born!au which is slowly becoming my main au even though it messes up the cannon timeline but uh ya

Scar pov:

Scar respawned, gasping for air. He was scared, Grians purple eyes haunting him. Scar was shaking, since in respawn worlds you feel little to no pain when you die. But, for some reason, Scar had felt every time Grian plunged his obsidian blade into Scar.

Wait, obsidian blade? Thats impossible to make...
Scar thought to himself.

Scar sat up from the bed he respawned on, and walked towards a shulker box full of backup items. He always had one nearby since he died so often. Scar put on his elytra, strapping the fake wings on his back. He began to fly towards the meeting room, needing to urgently talk to Xisuma.

After a while of flying, he finally arrived at the meeting. He flew in, crashing to the ground. Scar looked up to see X with his admin panels up, and the rest of the hermits whispering to each other. The room went silent for a few seconds before Scar interrupted.

"X, can I talk to you? Like in private."

"Of course. I was just about to ask you that myself."

The pair walked out the meeting room together, a awkward silence starting between them.

"Grian. Grians eyes were purple" Scar suddenly said.


" I said his eyes were purple. He also seemed... Unhinged? Insane?"


Scar continued to ramble, his breathing increasing.

"He killed me X. I felt all the pain, like i actually felt it."

"Scar!" X raised his tone of voice.

" I- He started to say things like 'Is this what you wanted' and i was scared i don't know what i d-"



"You're not making sense. Start from the beginning, please?"

"Oh yeah right."

He explains what happened in part 1 bc im too lazy to recap

Xisuma visibly paled at the news of this. He knew of the watcher voices. Of course he did, he was a watcher himself (go to the end of the one shot for an explanation) but it had never gotten that bad for him (or Pearl, as far as he knew).

"Look Scar," he explained, "This has nothing to do with you ok? Its a factor from Grian's past. I'll go check up on him. Please don't worry. I promise I'll explain what's going on when Gri's comfortable." (Aka never, I'm not doing a part 3)

Xisuma patted a confused Scar on the shoulder awkwardly before flying away with his elytra towards the giant rock that is Grian's base. He arrived shortly after taking off, and took off his helmet in an attempt to not scare the watcher he was approaching. X gathered his courage before entering the rift cave in which he encountered a purple sobbing mess of a Grian.

"Gri? Are you ok bud?"

"BACK AWAY PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU PLEASE I'M BEGGING" Grian sobbed, curled into a tiny ball, frantically scratching his bloody arms.

"Grian, you know I'm safe from that blade. I'm a watcher, just like you. It can't hurt me" He was technically lying, but he had to calm the panicked watcher who was clearly having a panic attack. (im so sorry if this isnt an accurate representation of a panic attack, ive clearly never had one)

Suma slowly approached Grian, getting down on one knee. "

It's gonna be ok. I need you to tell me 5 things you can see"

Grian looked around. "Y-you" he tried to grab his hair, but X stopped him by grabbing his hands. "G-grumbot... The closed rift" He hiccupped, shaking. "And the sky."

"One more?"

"The cave?"

"Four things you can feel?"

"The floor..." He paused. "Your hands, and pain? From my arms. Oh and the blade. Its next to my leg." He admitted quietly, before making it disappear.

"Three things you can hear?"

"Your voice, the wind and the voices. Their quieter though." Grian was slowly starting to go back to his normal colors.

"Two things you can smell?"

Grian sniffed "Blood...and moss. From the floor."

"And lastly, one thing you can taste."

"Blood. Again..."

"You feel any better?"

"Yeah. Thanks, X. I appreciate you."

X smiled, "I can't believe you correctly pronounced my name!" He laughed for a second.

"Now don't get ahead of yourself, X-i-suma!" Grian smiled.

"Now Gri, tell me what happened while we clean up this bloody mess on the floor?"


X grabbed his communicator and typed:

<Xisumavoid> Pearl, can you watch Gri for a bit until the meeting is over?

<Pearlescentmoon> Sure! Omw right now!

X smiled and turned to a very tired Grian.

"Pearls coming over until you feel better, ok?"

Grian smiled. "Thanks again, X-eeeye-suma! I genuinely mean it mate."

"Of course. Its my job as admin, you know?"

"If you ever need help, I'm here for you ok?"


They settled into a comfortable silence before Pearl came and tackled the G-man in a giant hug.

"are you ok?" She asked, pulling away.


"Glad to hear it. Now, how about we go prank Doc?"

"I'm in. Whats the plan?"

X smiled and shook his head at the pair. Then he remembered he had a meeting to get back to and flew away. When he arrived, all he said was:

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but where did I leave off?"


Really underwhelming, ik, but yah.

Ik i said i wasn't gonna finish this but i ended up doing it anyway lol


in this au, x, pearl and g are all watchers / runaway watchefs

Pearl is "void born" hence the name of the au but after realizing how shitty they treat g she retaliated and leaves to the main hub successfully

G is one of those rare mfs who get kidnapped and tries to leave with pearl but gets caught and exiled into the deep void

Suma (also kidnapped, but many centuries before g and pearl) tried to attack some watchers after they messed with evil x (his twin) and got exiled before some listeners found him in the deep void. He then discovered g in the void many years later and saved him aswell. Also took pearl afer g told him about her and a few years of searching cuz she was constantly running to avoid watchers

Ok bye

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