This is the GOATS world. You just live in it.

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"Good morning! Time to rise and grind, because only the early GOAT will not be left behind."

Grian groaned, rubbing his eyes. The sun shined into his tiny window as the speakers all over the country played the good morning message. It was supposed to be a motivational message, but to those in the slums it sounded like a threat, a reminder they were caged animals used for automation.

As the engineer hopped out of bed and walked towards his closet, the message continued.

"What will you automate today so we can thrive together?"

Grian sighed, pulling out a white shirt, leather jacket and pants. He slipped his clothes on, the same ones he wore day after day. He had been living in slums all his life, but he had been torn away from his family in the Grind District and put into the Engineering District all because of a stupid test the president Doc gave out to the boys and girls of age. They would take it, and depending on the result they would be placed into one of the Nine Districts of the Perimeter.

"I wish that stupid man would just die." He told himself. Almost like a reminder, the final part of the alarm sounded out.

"Remember, this is the GOATS world. You just live in it."

Grian scowled, grabbing his bag and walking out the door. Running down the "apartments" stairs and into the common area, he blended into the line of tall men (the woman were obviously in another area, apart from the men).

Soon, his co-worker Mumbo appeared, his mustache slightly unkempt. Every engineer belonged to a project and had a automater partner. His was Mumbo Jumbo, notorious for his ability to be a spoon, but admired for his creation of efficient war bots. It was obvious he was originally from the Automation District, his pale skin and black hair a tell tale sign. A large contrast of the small strawberry blonde boy from the grind district, the poorest district that did all the labor for the Perimeter.

"Excuse my tardiness. It took me a while to crawl out of bed." Mumbo commented, offering a smile. Grians expression softened, the feeling of a friend calming his boiling blood.

"Its alright, mate" He replied.

They conversed the pointless conversation, trying to cheer up their gloomy ambience. The threat of the rebellion was real, no longer just a distant story that was used as an excuse to execute people (a example of the GOATS power over the poor slaves). Everyone had it in mind, the abuse that had come with the Buttercups rise overwhelming. If soldiers were cruel before, they were a nightmare now. Even the slightest mishap caused an accusation of being a traitor, and in turn, death.

As the pair reached the end of the line were the goop called "breakfast" was served, they grabbed their trays and sat down in a corner of the common room. They ate in silence, knowing the cameras and mics around the room were always watching, always listening. That was the job of the Security District, one of the districts with the privilege of good food and trust from the President. Along with the Government District and Military District, they made up the "big three" of the Perimeter.

Scraping the last of their food, the workers of the middle districts arose and began the long walk to their work. The sky oh so far away shined on the dead grass, dust going up in clouds as the people walked. It was crowded, the rusted metal buildings of the Automation District creating what seems like a city.

Soon, some people joined the pair. TangoTek of the Food District silently walked next to them, along with Impulse of the Engineering District. They were both friends of Mumbo, and fellow automaters. Their nails were caked with redstone and oil, faces tired and serious as they prepared for another day of work.

Grian thought of his younger sister Pearl, back in the Grind District. He hoped she was okay, as she tended to be snarky with the officers. She had never been beaten because Grian always took the punishment, the scars on his body more than enough proof. He prayed the little moon hadn't been executed for "treason."

The posters of Chancellor RenDog and President Docm77 were plastered everywhere, their faces a constant threat along with the solders along the streets, watching the crowd. The ragtag group looked at eachother.

"Those weren't there before.." They thought, looking at eachother. The middle districts of Automation, Engineering, Medicne and Design usually weren't as full of solders as the lower districts, being Grind, Energy and Food.

The tension in the air was obvious, and the group knew that they had little time left until the Government and Buttercups would cause an all out civil war.

No proof read lmao
Soo uh i watched Grians video recently and I got a fic idea...

I announce (and welcome) the Dystopian AU!!

Any questions? Pop em here!!

Be prepared for me content of it lmaao

851 words omg

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