Everybody's Watching Him- Dreamnotfound 😊

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CW: drinking, party

Plot: Dream has liked his best friend since he met him in high-school, and now they're nearing the end of their college schooling and at a party to celebrate.

Third Person  POV.

Thumping music shakes the glass of the house windows as around a hundred young adults dance around. Sweaty, stuffy bodies moving to the rhythm as the party becomes more chaotic, the alcohol seeping into everyone's blood becoming more tipsy.

Speaking of being tipsy, George is one of the many people dance. Standing in the middle of a circle George sways his hips side to side in time with the music, his arms above his head with his eyes closed. Everyone's watching the normally grumpy, sarcastic, British man as he dances somewhat suggestively, the cheers of everyone increasing as the night progresses.

One of the many eyes on George, is Dream where he leans against the wall, his arms folded. A scowl on his lips at the eyes of everyone on the smaller British boy. "Why is he dancing like that?" Dream asks Sapnap, who stands next to him. The aforementioned's hands all over his boyfriend, Karl.

"I don't know, why do you care?" Sapnap asks, his lips dragging along Karl's neck.

"I don't," Dream insists, not convincing anyone.

"Sure, you don't, Dream," Karl says with a giggle. "That's why you've been staring at him non-stop this entire time,"

"I'm not staring at him," Dream defends, turning his head slightly to look at his two friends but his eyes never leaving George where he dances.

"You can't even look away!" Sapnap says, laughing heartily. "Dweamy's in loooove,"

"I'm not in love—" Dream attempts to defend himself, but is cut off by his two friends.

"OoOoo, Dream's got a crush," Karl says, pulling away from where he was laying against Sapnap's chest, his arms still wrapped around the shorter's neck.

"Someone's down baaad," Sapnap teases. "You wanna kiiiss him, and hold his haaaand, and suck his diiiic—"

"Woah, woah, woah, i do not," Dream quickly cuts off the Texan man. Pushing himself off of the wall and turning to face his friends, taking his eyes off of George for the first time the entire night. "I'm not in love with him and I definitely don't want to suck his dick,"

"Who's dick does Dream wanna suck?" Dream hears someone ask tipsily from behind, an elbow reaching up and resting on his shoulder.

As Dream turns he's hit with a heavy scent of alcohol, mutely a marshmallow smell he's grown so used to. He sees George, the dark haired male with a loopy smile on his lips, his face flushed slightly and eyes barely open. The sight of the drunk man, who somehow still looks as beautiful as ever in the dull LED lights that have been set up around the house, knocking the breath from Dream's lungs.

"No one's, if anything I'm the one getting my dick sucked," Dream says quickly before someone notices his staring.

"Uh huh, sure, bud," Sapnap says through a giggle, patting Dream on the side of his arm. "We were just talking about how smitten Dream is,"

"Oh? Who's won the affection of Romeo over here?" George asks, pointing a thumb towards Dream, his elbow still resting on the much taller blonde.

The next three seconds happen in slow motion. At least for Dream they do.

Karl opens his mouth, an evil smile on his face as he inhales and begins to speak. "You'll never guess but it's—"

"No one you would know, and i don't like him," Dream interrupts quickly before he can finish.

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