College Music- Dreamnotfound 😊

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Plot: George is asked for notes from the boy at the top of his class who he hates, but when he finds out that he may not have to deal with the boy for much longer he finds himself dreading that day.

Third Person  POV.

Lyrical strings fills the hall as the wave of cellos push the sound forward. The loud drum of the timpani moving the piece forward as the dynamics build. Accompanying piano playing complimenting arpeggios underneath the floating melody. The handsome man at the front of the orchestra guiding the players as the music progresses.

The sight makes George's blood boil.

It should be him up there conducting his beautiful piece. Not Dream. Dream has done nothing but lay around and watch as George and the other students in their class work their ass off to stay up to the standard of the Conservatorium. Then he spends one day on a composition and he's conducting the state's best orchestra on how to play it in front of the whole school.

It's so unfair.

"You're going to burn holes into the back of his head if you keep staring at him," Karl whispers as he leans over to George.

"I'm not staring," George says, his eyes trained on the back of Dream's head saying otherwise. "It's just—"

"I know your feelings about Dream," Karl cuts him off. "You don't stop talking about him and how good he is at music. If I didn't know any better, I would think you had a crush on him,"

"I do not have a crush on him," George spits out as the music comes to a close. "You don't know how unbearable he is in music. He's barely awake! And yet he's the top of the bloody class,"

"Some people just have natural talent," Karl says with a shrug as he begins to clap along with the rest of the crowd. "But eventually that runs out, and when his does, you'll be right there to take his position at the top,"

"He needs to run out quicker," George grumbles as he begrudgingly applauds.

"Thank you, Clay, so much for that beautiful composition," an announcer says into a microphone after the crowd quiets down. "There will be a few more announcements, and then you may go back to your dorms,"

After the announcements, Karl and George stand up and make their way to their dorm room, the buzz of the excitement echoing along the halls. "You look as though you're planning a murder, George," Karl says as they round the corner to their room.

"Cause I am," George tells him plainly, noticing a figure leaning against the wall beside their door, feeling his face heat in anger and his heart increase in speed. "What do you want?"

"Am I not allowed to drop by?" Dream asks as he turns to the two boys, an evil grin on his lips. God they look soft.

"Absolutely not," George says, somewhat to Dream and somewhat to his own thoughts.

"C'mon, George," Karl puts his hand on his shoulder. "Be nice,"

"Why should I be nice to the devil incarnate?"  George mumbles, looking to Karl.

"You flatter me," Dream rolls his eyes. "I just wanted to know if you had the notes from last lesson, George,"

"Obviously I do? Why wouldn't I? Unlike you, I actually take notes," George tells him, looking to him with an unimpressed look. "Why do you need them?"

"I may be good at compositions, but I need to work on my theory and analysis of music if I'm ever going to go into teaching," Dream explains, looking at the floor. He seems embarrassed, cute. "Could I please just photocopy them?"

"Oh," George is taken aback by his stupid thoughts and Dreams hopes for the future. "Yeah, let me just get my book,"

"While you do that, I'm going to Sap's dorm," Karl muses from behind.

"Okay, see you later," George waves him off. He walks up to the door and unlocks it, walking through. "I didn't realise you wanted to be a teacher," George admits as he rummages through his bag, looking for his note book. "What level of schooling are you wanting to teach?"

"You seemed so against me being here before, and now you want to know about my plans for the future? Are you warming up to me, Georgie?" Dream asks as he leans against the side of the doorway.

"Absolutely not, I'm just making conversation," George grumbles. "Just answer the question,"

"High school. Maybe a second masters in middle school, or just an overall masters in teaching, but I mostly want to teach high school and help kids develop a love for music like I did," Dream says whimsically. "But I might have to change colleges if I want a good starting point for jobs,"

"I thought the Conservatorium was one of the best schools in the state?" George tells him after a brief silence.

"It is, but not in the country," Dream tells him. "That's why I'm probably going to go try to go to Juilliard. Another reason I need your notes,"

"You're leaving?" George asks, sounding like a wounded puppy.

"Yeah," Dream admits before he quickly clears his throat. "What about you? What do you want to do after you graduate?" He asks quickly as George finds the book.

"If I'm being honest I have no clue," George admits softly as he stands and hands the notes to Dream.

"Maybe you could come teach with me," Dream offers, seemingly as though he's joking, but a hint of honesty rings in his words as he grips the papers. "The kids would be lucky to be taught by someone with such a clear understanding of the theory of music,"

"Yeah, maybe," George whispers quietly looking up at the taller boy through his lashes.

We only write drabbles here lmao

I'll probably do something longer later  if I feel like it lmao, but I have work experience next week and I wanna kms

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