Champagne Problems- Dreamnotfound 😊

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Plot: George is dropping off his adopted son, and technically nephew, at college and he sees his ex from when he went to that college.

(The name is purely because I was inspired by the song lmao)

Third Person POV.

The musty smell of burnt coffee and ramen still fill the halls and George's nose as they make their way into Holmes Hall. "What room number were you again?" George asks as he looks around the familiar corridor, boxes stacked high in his arms.

"62," Ranboo tells him as they fish their keys out of his pocket, balancing the cardboard boxes on his free arm.

"Oh wow," George mumbles. "You're gonna be just across the hall from where I use to be roomed,"

"Really?" Ranboo asks rolling their eyes with a sarcastic smile. "I've never heard the story about where you were roomed. Please tell me again how you were roomed with Uncle Karl in room 69," he continues sarcastically as they unlock their door. "And how it was so funny and how you two bonded and became life long friends and—"

"Okay, okay, I get it, you've heard this story before," George mumbles with a chuckle. "Just open the door,"

Ranboo swings the door open, revealing a small room, the stale plaster smell filling the space. One side of the room is decorated, video game posters on the wall and Minecraft sheets on the elevated bed, a small creeper stuffed animal sitting against the pillow. The draws under the bed were stuffed and over flowing with a concerning amount of red and white shirts and the desk at the end of the bed scattered with different parts of a PC.

"They really don't ever change the starting layout of these rooms," George comments as he lays Ranboo's boxes onto the empty bed on the other side of the room.

"Too much effort to move it all I assume," Ranboo offers as they put down their boxes, pocketing their keys. "Good to know my roommate has good taste in games,"

"They seem like a child," George mumbles as they begin to unpack the sheets he had packed for Ranboo.

"At least they play video games, so I won't be judged by some jock for my computer science degree," Ranboo points out as he begins to pull out the parts of their own PC, the flush of a toilet filling the room.

"Hello?" An aggressive, grating voice calls as someone walks out of the small bathroom in the right of the room. "Are you my roommate?" A blond boy asks as he wipes off his wet hands.

"Yeah," Ranboo answers skeptically. "I'm Ranboo,"

"I'm Tommy!" The boy tells him as he grabs Ranboo's hand, shaking it enthusiastically. "Hello!" He says, waving at George.

"Hey," George nods, before putting a hand on Ranboo's shoulder. "I'm gonna go check out the campus and leave you to get to know your new roomie," Ranboo whips their head around quickly, eyes wide and pleading. "Call me if you need me,"

George turns out of the room and starts walking down the hall. The first laughter spilling out of dorm 62 almost immediately, making him smile softly.

The cold air of the morning squeezes around him as he puts his hands into his hoodie pocket to warm himself. His warm breath clouds in front of his face as he makes his way towards the library. He forgot how cold it got here in the mornings, they've gotta make sure Ranboo has enough warm clothes.

The warm light and air of the library wraps around him the second he steps through the doors, thawing him out. "Hello!" A chippy librarian greets as he walks over to the main desk. "How can I help you?"

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