Soccer's not my game- Karlnap 😊

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Plot: Sapnap is hopelessly infatuated with Karl, the star of the soccer team, and every day he sits on the bleachers to watch Karl practice. Karl, completely oblivious, thinks that Sapnap just enjoys watching soccer (when in reality he likes watching him) and one day he invites Sapnap to train with him After a game.

Third Person  POV.

The hot sun beats down on the back of Karl's neck as he runs drills. The smell of freshly mowed grass filled his senses as he dribbled the ball. Sapnap admires the boy from the bleachers, the metal beneath him near scorching as he observes.

Sapnap has been watching Karl train for around a month now. You might think it's in admiration for the skill the boy has, and it sort of is, but it also helps that he's stunning and one of the nicest and funniest people Sapnap has ever met.

To say Karl hasn't noticed his friend sitting in the bleachers every time he practices or plays would be a lie, but the oblivious star of the soccer team just believes Sapnap enjoys the game. "Looks like someone has a secret admirer," George pipes up during practice before a game one day.

"Oh? Who?" Karl asks completely oblivious.

"You haven't noticed?" George questions, raising an eyebrow, to which Karl shakes his head. "You genuinely haven't noticed Sapnap making puppy dog eyes at you constantly? He literally comes to every single one of our practices and games to watch you,"

"That's just cause he likes the game," Karl points out.

"He's a hockey player," George states simply. "I don't think he even knows how to play soccer,"

"Sure he does! Watch," Karl tells him.

Karl jogs over to the bleachers where Sapnap sits, resting his chin on his hand. "Hey, Sap!" Karl calls out.

Sapnap, seemingly woken up from a daze, jumps. "Yeah, Karl? Everything okay?" Sapnap asks.

"Yeah! Everything's okay, I was just wondering if you wanted to play a small game with us? Just before the match starts?" Karl offers with a wide smile.

"Oh— I don't...I'll be honest with you I know nothing about soccer," Sapnap admits.

"Oh— that's fine, we can teach you!" Karl offers. Why would he come to every practice and game if he doesn't know how soccer works?

"He'd love that," Karl hears George say from behind him. A smug smirk on George's face as he looks at the panic in Sapnap's eyes.

"I would," Sapnap agrees, but quickly continues. "But soccer's not really my game,"

"That's okay! I can teach you," Karl says. "You don't have to play today, but if you want we can stay back after the game and I can try to teach you some stuff,"

"Yeah, sure," Sapnap says quietly, seemingly breathless.

"Perfect, I assume you'll be here til the end like usual?" Karl asks through a giggle, which Sapnap nods in response, his face warming at the fact that Karl is aware that he's always here.

"I told you he wasn't here for the game," George mumbles to Karl as they walk away from the boy on the bleachers.

"Shut up," Karl mumbles in response.

After practice, Sapnap runs onto the field to congratulate the team, more specifically Karl, on how well they did like he usually does. "That was amazing!" Sapnap cheers excitedly as he runs to hug the sweaty Karl. "You played so well, dude!"

"Thanks," Karl says smiling brightly as they pull away, still standing too close together. Maybe he does want Sapnap to be a secret admirer. "But I thought you didn't know how the game worked,"

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