Chapter 11 ~messed up~

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Training was exhausting. Maybe cause I really haven't done anything like that in literal ages. Before dinner Finnick and I go see Beetee since he apparently has some weapons for us. "Daphne it's good to see you back you seem to be doing much better." He says. "I am thank you for helping with the rescue mission." "Of course. Finnick I'm glad to see you out and about too. Nobody seen much of you for a while." He smiles at the man. "Thank you Beetee."

Finnick's pov

"Now I put together some weapons for you both that I think would benefit your best strengths. For Finnick I have a trident. It's similar to the ones from the games only it's much more powerful you can try it if you want on that target." I take the trident in my hands. A familiar feeling goes through me. I haven't held a trident since the games but for some reason I never forgot what it felt like. I practice with it for a minute. After I twirl it over my head. "This is great Beetee. Thank you."

Daphne's pov

"I'm glad you like it Finnick. Now Daphne for you I have you different kinds of knives. I have some practice ones for you to try out as well to see if you like them." I walk over to the practice ones looking at each one of them. The only difference is theres a different color on each. "What do the colors mean?" I ask. "You and Katniss have similar designed weapons when it comes to this. The red ones are fire. Not too extreme but enough. Yellow are normal. And the blue are for when it's dark. You'll have a band on your arm that connects to them and it'll show you any target within a 20 foot radius."

He motions for my wrist to put the band on for a minute. "Say your name." "Daphne Elsher." The band activates. The blue mark on the knife lights a little too. I pick up all three knives. "I can throw the fire one right?" "Yes but only at that target." He points to a target close to fire foam. I throw the yellow one first. That felt good. Beetee turns off the lights to where I can only see my band. I throw the knife straight ahead like the band says. Beetee turns the lights back on. Right in the dummies heart. I smile to myself. That was kind of cool. I turn towards the fire target. I breathe out before throwing the fire knife at the target setting it ablaze. Luckily it goes out. "That was incredible." Finnick says. I smile to Beetee. "Thank you." "Feel free to come down here any time either of you like for training like this."

After dinner and Johanna. Finnick and I walk to our room to hangout with Mags for a moment.

"That knife throwing was incredible pigeon." He says. "I forgot how good that felt. Usually when I hold a knife in my hand it's a reminder of someones life I took but today was completely different. I didn't feel so useless." "Useless?" "It's been hard since I got back from the capital Finn. I didn't feel like me. I felt like that same mad girl I was years ago. Today made me feel like myself again. I guess that version of myself is a little weird. I mean throwing a knife should not make me feel like myself." "I get it." I look at him. "When my hands touched that trident I felt relieved. Maybe we're just insane." I laugh. "Really? Maybe a little but like even that's pushing it." He laughs nudging my shoulder.

Mags is in our room when we get there. "We know you're wondering about the wedding." She nods. "13 wanted us to get married. We didn't want to, but we felt like we had to." "Instead of going through with a whole wedding we took out the big tradition from 4...saltwater on the lips." "How did you convince them?" Mags asks. "I said it was something on my side of the family. Finnick was gonna say we were allergic." The woman laughs. "I knew you guys were smarter than that." We smile at her. "They want to start planning tomorrow." "Why don't you have Peeta bake you guys a cake?" I smile at her. Will Peeta really be able to do that? After a little bit Mags tells us goodnight.

I lay in bed not even changing yet. "Are you sleepy?" "Exhausted." He chuckles. "Let's at least get a little cleaned up before we sleep." Finnick has always had this thing where he has to shower before he sleeps. Honestly I don't blame him but sometimes I just fall asleep. Finnick and I both clean ourselves up though. I miss the sound of the waves outside our house in District 4. I lay down with Finnick snuggling into his chest.

"Wedding plans start tomorrow." He says. "It's crazy. Like I know we aren't for real getting married but it still feels so bizarre." "Tell me about it. I feel guilty you don't have a ring on your finger right now and they're making us plan a wedding." "Don't feel guilty. You know I don't need anything like that as long as I have you. I miss my necklace in four. You know the one with the bird and the heart. My shark tooth is still in the capital they took it from me after the games, so it probably lost its luck." "Think about it this way. We don't need it anymore. After this war we wont have to mentor any other tribute ever again."

He's right. Even when we had kids I wouldn't be able to give it to one of them. We want three I couldn't pick just one. I feel Finnick breathe heavily beside me. He's asleep. I smile softly and end up falling asleep too.

Finnick's pov

I wake up first. I think I fell asleep first last night too. That's a really rare occurrence. I don't think Daphne was far after me. Both of us were exhausted last night. I know yesterday took a lot out of her because it did me. She's more fragile now. I can't even describe how proud of her I am that she was even cleared for training. Daphne's one of those people who works for what she wants. She wants to be herself again and look at her. Cleared for training within just two weeks.

I look beside of me at the bedside table. rope. If we have to pretend marry I can make her a pretend ring. Little does she know I've had one picked out for years. It's at home in four in this safe hidden in Ren's old closet. It's perfect for her. But I have to wait until all of this is over to even be able to give it to her. I hope it doesn't take forever to be over.

Johanna's pov

Katniss was shot in 2. This might be a good time to pay her a visit. I pull back the curtains. "Well there she is...the mockingjay." She just looks at me. "That speech you gave oh man feel I still have goosebumps." I take her IV out of her arm and put it in mine. "You don't mind do you? They cut off my supply of morphling. This head doctor comes to see me everyday trying to help me adjust to reality. As if some guy from this place actually knows anything about my reality. At least 20 times in the session he tells me that I'm totally safe. Safe from the from Snow. Peeta's not even allowed to have it. Daphne's just as insane as I am even though she refused the morphling. Her and Finnick are just better at acting than any of us could ever imagine to be. But what about you mockingjay? Feeling totally safe?"

"Til I got shot." "Oh please the bullet didn't even touch you. Cinna sought to that of course your costume would be bulletproof. So what are your injuries?" "Bruised ribs bruised lung." "I'm surprised they haven't found you a new lung. I mean I've got two do you want one of mine? I mean it's everybody's job to keep you alive?"

"Is that why you hate me?" "Partly you're also a little hard to swallow. The whole tacky romance drama and the defender of the hopeless act even though it's not an act which makes it even more unbearable. Feel free to take any of this personally."

"You should've been the mockingjay nobody has to tell you what to say." "But nobody likes me. That's why I for sure thought it'd be Daphne. Everybody likes her. I guess where Finnick's called her pigeon since they've met they thought that's too many bird breeds to keep track of." "Why does he do that?" "Because Finnick's an idiot. Well that's not exactly why. I don't think anyone knows why including himself. District 4 doesn't even have any pigeons if he called her any bird name you'd think it'd be seagull."

I notice a picture on Katniss's bedside table and pick it up. "I think here you're the only thing that they're scared of." I place it back down and pick up a necklace. "It's just stuff my family brought." I put the necklace back down picking up a pearl gently. I recognize it. "This from Peeta?" "Yeah." I think about all of us. "They messed us up pretty good didn't they?"

AN- omg Johanna made a pov isn't that just wild? it's about time. on a serious note thank you so much for reading i hope you like what you've read!

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