Chapter 13: A Project Finished

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It was a sunny afternoon and Shaun was doing the finishing touches on his Toyota Supra that he had been working on for the past couple of years and while he was polishing it, he got to thinking about how it looked when he first got it.

When Shaun had finished polishing the Supra, he put the polishing rag down and took a step back and looked at the Supra as it was finally finished and he smiled and nodded.

Shaun: finally.

Shaun then got to thinking about how he wants to show his family and friends and especially, he really wanted to show one person first, and that is none other than the love of his life and so he decided that he wanted to text her and ask her if she would like to go on a drive with him but as he started typing out the text, he decided to not tell her that the Supra was finished and that it was the Supra that they were going for a drive in.

Shaun: hey gorgeous, seeing as you have a day off, I was curious to know if you'd like to come on a drive with me ?

Brianna: I'd love to baby, just let me know when you're here. 😘

Shaun smiled and he went back inside and had a quick shower and then got changed into some clothes.

He then got in his Supra after giving a dog treat to Frankie and a smile appeared on his face as he started the Supra up and he heard the 2jz engine as he drove it out of his garage.

He then got out of the Supra and locked his house and garage up and then got back in the Supra and headed to Brianna's and while he was driving, he took in the sound of the single turbo 2jz engine and put his foot down whenever there was no traffic or police around.

(Use this video for reference of the sound that I had in mind for the Supra engine)

Shaun finally arrived at Brianna's place, and he parked his Supra and got out and then he leaned against it while he texted Brianna to look out of her window.

Meanwhile, Brianna was sat on her couch and she was petting her dog and she noticed that she had received a text.
Brianna picked her phone up and she smiled as she saw that the text was from Shaun and so she read the text.

Shaun: look out the window 😉

Brianna got up off her couch and walked over to the window and looked out to see Shaun was leaning against his Toyota Supra and had a big smile on her face as she could see that he had finally finished working on it.

She left her place and after closing her front door, she turned around and smiled at Shaun and she ran right into his arms.

Brianna: I'm so proud of you baby, you've finally finished it.

Shaun: yeah, wait till we get going, it's a lot of fun to drive.

Brianna: I'll leave that to you.

Shaun: haha come on, let's get going shall we ?

Brianna: one sec, I'm going to lock my door.

Shaun: okay.

As Brianna went to go and lock her door, Shaun watched her and he smiled as he thought to himself about how in love with her he really is.

Brianna had locked her door and she went back over to Shaun who was smiling at her and she asked him why.

Brianna: what's up baby ?

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