Chapter 4: Jack's First Restoration Project

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It was now the day that Shaun would be going with his younger brother Jack to get his Eclipse and Shaun had just come back home after taking Frankie for an early morning walk.
He let Frankie off his leash and took his phone out of his pocket and texted his brother Jack.

Shaun: hey Jack, you up ?

Jack: yeah.

Shaun: good because when I've got the truck from the auto shop, I'll be on my way to pick you up and we can take the eclipse back to the auto shop and then we'll just hang out for a little bit until the afternoon when Hector gets back from the wedding him and his wife are at.

Jack: okay, sounds like a plan.

Shaun: see you in a bit.

Jack: okay bye.

Then, just as he was about to put his phone in his pocket, he received a text from Brianna and so he read it.

Brianna: hey Shaun, hope you're doing okay and that you have a good day.

Shaun smiled as he read the text from Brianna and he then replied.

Meanwhile, Brianna was in the back of the rental car that she, Sydney and Carla had rented and they were on their way to an nxt show and she saw that Shaun had replied to her text message and she got a cute smile on her face as she read it.

Shaun: hey Bri, I'm doing good, me and Jack are getting ready to head out because we're picking up a car that he's getting ready to start fixing up a bit, hope that you have a good day too. 😉

Brianna had blushed a bit as she read the text and saw the winking face emoji that Shaun put at the end of the text and she then replied to Shaun.

Brianna: thanks Shaun, see you soon. ☺️

Shaun: see you soon mousey.

Brianna put her phone back in the pocket of her hoodie and smiled as she pulled the hood over her head to try and cover her blushing face a bit as she looked out the car window.

Meanwhile, Shaun had arrived at Jack's place and he stood in front of the door and knocked on the door and waited until Jack answered the door.

Jack: hey Shaun !

Shaun: hey, you ready to get going ?

Jack: yeah, let's go.

Jack grabbed the keys to his apartment and he locked his door and walked out with Shaun who drove them to the destination where the seller had the eclipse that Jack would be keeping at the auto shop while he restores and fixes it up.

They arrived at the destination and Jack shook hands with the seller and then he helped Shaun put the eclipse on the trailer and then Jack took a picture of his eclipse project and he posted it on his instagram.

They arrived at the destination and Jack shook hands with the seller and then he helped Shaun put the eclipse on the trailer and then Jack took a picture of his eclipse project and he posted it on his instagram

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