18. A Fragment.

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"I love you, too," Steve said to his wife sitting next to her on the sofa.

Bailey looked up startled from her task. Her eyes met her husband's and she smiled.

"How long have you been sitting there watching me write?" Bailey asked him.

"Ever since I finished the breakfast dishes," Steve admitted.

"That doesn't really answer my question, love." Bailey chuckled softly.

"Long enough for me to be about to interrupt you if you weren't done writing and ask if you wanted to go over to Kamekona's truck for lunch. That answer your question, Vi?" Steve quipped playfully.

"Yes, oh hungry one. It does." Bailey teased back.

Steve McGarrett stood up and then helped his wife to her feet. Bailey stood, smiled, and looked up at her husband. She placed the memory book on the coffee table and walked over to the coat rack and grabbed her purse off of it.

"Ready," Bailey told her husband.

Steve smiled, walked over, and opened the front door. He made the gesture "after you" and once Bailey was out the door, went out himself shutting the door behind him. The couple walked down the path through their front yard, out the gate, and over to Steve's blue truck. Steve hopped into the driver's seat and Bailey into the passenger's. Once they were both buckled up Steve started the truck and backed out of the driveway. They rode to the shrimp truck in silence. Bailey frowned as they arrived. Steve parked the car, turned, and noticed the look on his wife's face.

"Something wrong, Vi?" He asked concerned.

"No, baby. Not really, just got annoyed with myself." Bailey replied turning her head to her husband and giving him a smile.

"What's up?" Steve asked.

"I just remember another time I babysat for Grace that was extremely funny. Then I realized I left the book at home." Bailey said with a fond shake of her head.

Steve chuckled. Of course, his wife forgot the one thing she was rarely more than ten feet from, she had been thinking about Kamekona's garlic shrimp.

"Do you need it right now, Vi?" Steve asked.

"No. I'd rather enjoy lunch with you. It can wait." Bailey reassured him, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Alright, let's go eat then, beautiful," Steve said feeling happy.

Steve unbuckled his seatbelt, opened his car door, hopped out of the truck, and closed the door. He jogged around the front of the vehicle and opened Bailey's door for her.

Bailey giggled and said, "Thank you, handsome."

"You're welcome, baby," Steve replied helping his wife out of the truck and shutting the door for her.

Bailey grabbed her husband's hand and the two of them walked over to Kamekona's food truck. The two waited in line to order. Steve let go of his wife's hand and wrapped his arm around her. Bailey looked up at her husband smiled and snuggled against him. The line moved and soon enough it was the McGarretts' turn.

"What can I get for you lovebirds?" Kamekona asked, happy to see them.

"The usual, man," Steve responded.

"Alright I'll give you a shout when your order's ready," Kamekona said with a smile.

"Thanks, Kamekona," Bailey told him.

"No problem sista. I will make the garlic shrimp extra delicious just for you." Kamekona promised.

"Your the best." Bailey grinned,

Kamekona beamed at the compliment. Steve put a five-dollar bill in the tip jar, slipped his hand into his wife's, and the two of them went to find a table. They found a little two-person table, off to the side slightly away from the others. The couple sat down across from each other, still holding hands. Bailey looked at their linked hands and smiled. A slight memory ran across her mind. In it she was holding hands with Steve, they were standing somewhere beautiful and he was in a tux. Her memory also came with the feeling that this was the happiest she had been so far and that at that moment there was nobody else in the world but the two of them. Bailey smiled at the memory, certain that it was their wedding day, and looked out at the water.

"Penny for them, Vi?" Steve asked noticing the dreamy expression on his wife's face and the smile.

"Nope. This one is priceless." Bailey replied.

"So, does that mean I have to wait until you put it in the memory book?" Steve asked with a grin.

"No, it's only a fragment. I'll tell you if you really want to know." Bailey replied turning her head back to him.

"I'd love to hear whatever fragments you've got babe," Steve affirmed.

"Alright. In it we are standing somewhere, near the water I think. I'm just looking at you and we are holding hands, both of them. You are in a tux, looking very handsome might I add, smiling at me. And I think Danny is standing off to the side of you, but that's less clear. I know I'm extremely happy and that you are the only thing I can see at that moment in time." Bailey said telling her husband the fragment that she had gotten.

"Any guesses as to what is happening in that fragment of yours, Vi?" Steve asked thickly.

"Only one and judging by your tone I know I'm right." Bailey returned with a huge smile.

"Yeah, so what is it, babe?" He asked, hoping she would say the words he wanted to hear.

"Our wedding day. Right after we exchanged rings. Am I right, Steve?" Bailey asked slightly worried.

"You're absolutely right, Mrs. McGarrett," Steve replied, overjoyed that Bailey remembered that much of their wedding day.

"I love it when you smile like that, Mac," Bailey said lovingly.

"I love you, Vi," Steve told her in return sincerely.

"Here's your order guys!" Kamekona interrupted them.

"Thanks, big guy," Steve said taking their food gratefully.

"It looks incredible, Kamekona." Bailey gushed.

"Of course it does, Bailey. I made it special for you." Kamekona replied confidently.

"Aw, thank you, Kamekona," Bailey replied gratefully.

"Enjoy lovebirds," Kamekona said and went back to the food truck.

Bailey and Steve enjoyed their meal and enjoyed each other's company. Once they were done with their meals they agreed to go for a walk on the beach. The pair walked on the beach together for a while enjoying the beautiful Hawaiian day. Bailey smiled thinking about the recent memory she had written down in the memory book about the day Mac had asked her to be his girlfriend. Steve was enjoying the walk on the beach with his wife and letting his mind wander to work the next day. After a while, the two agreed to head back to the truck and go home. They got back to the truck and got in on their respective sides. Seat belts were buckled, Steve started the truck, and drove them home. Once back inside their house Steve picked up the memory book, sat down on the sofa, got comfortable, cracked the book open, and began to read. Bailey watched him for a minute then went into the office area. In there she sat down, opened up her laptop, and pulled up some work that need to be completed.

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