20. Catherine.

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Things were tense for the next couple of weeks at the McGarretts' house. Bailey was hurt and angry by the phone call she overheard in Steve's office a couple of weeks earlier. Although Steve knew his wife was upset, he couldn't get her to tell him what was wrong. Several fights ensued as a result. Since their last fight, Steve had been sleeping on the couch for the past three days. Steve had silenced Bailey when she said she would sleep on it. He had ended the fight loudly and began the silence between them. It was the fourth night of the silent treatment and Bailey was up in their bedroom with her memory book. Memories, painful ones, were racing across her mind. She cried and threw the pillows across the bedroom. After calming down Bailey retrieved the pillows, put them back where they belonged, and sat back down on the bed. She then picked her memory book up, grabbed a pen, and began to write.


It has been nineteen months since we started dating. I feel like the "honeymoon stage" is never going to end and nothing can disrupt our happiness. It's the beginning of another work week. As soon as I wake up, I get ready, grab my things, and leave the house. My mind wanders to you while I drive to work. Initially, I was worried that dating and working together would cause issues, but it hasn't. In the past, my love life was pretty rocky, but now that I'm with you, I feel like nothing bad will happen to us. When I arrive at the police department, I park my car in the parking lot, unbuckle, grab my things, and step out of the vehicle. As I walk toward the building, I hum a little to myself.

"Well someone sounds like she's in way too good a mood for a Monday." I hear Danny's voice tease.

I turn and see my favorite detective behind me. I smile and wait for him.

"Good morning, Danno." I greet teasing back as he joins me.

"Have a good weekend, Bails?" Danny asks me with a grin.

"I had a wonderful weekend Detective. Mac spent the entire weekend spoiling me at his place." I gush happily.

Danny grins happily to see my joy. Danny and I started becoming close when he and Grace became sick and stayed with me. I loved having them there. Grace was an easy sick kid. Danny other than puking a lot in my toilet and being a little needy was just as easy. We reach the building door and Danny opens it for me.

"Thank you," I say to Danny.

"You're welcome, Bails," Danny replies.

We enter the building and get into Five-0 headquarters. I walk to your office, planning on working out of there with you. I open the office door and am about to say good morning to you when I see her. It appears Catherine is back in town.

"Oh, excuse me. I wasn't aware you were busy, Commander." I apologize.

"No, worries Bailey. Catherine just stopped by to say hi and ask for Five-0's help." You say to me.

I freeze on the inside, you haven't called me Bailey in almost two years. I plaster a smile on my face and act like nothing out of the ordinary just happened.

"Well, if I can be of any assistance please let me know. I will be working with Detective Williams today, Commander." I tell you trying to keep my mask of politeness up.

"Actually Miss Morgan, I was hoping you would be willing to work closely with me on this," Catherine speaks up.

"Oh, what exactly did you have in mind, Lieutenant Rollins?" I ask taken aback.

"Please, call me Catherine." She insists warmly.

I'd rather eat a raw cactus whole in the Sahara Desert in the middle of the summer. I think irritably but maintain my mask of professional politeness.

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