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12 Years Old

Louis and harry met when they were in middle school when harrys family moved to Doncaster because his dad had a better job opportunity and harry was nervous about starting a new school as he had left his old school and friends behind but harry was determined to make new friends

"louis louis louis" zayn says as he snaps his fingers in louis face

"huh what" louis says

"who are you staring at" zayn says

"no one just day dreaming" louis says

'jordan again" zayn says "you know your mom wont let you date"

"I know but a guy can dream don't you think we would be the perfect couple" louis says

"no but why are you in a hurry to met married and have a thousand babies" zayn says

"im not but I want to find the love of my life" louis says

"why so soon" zayn asks

"just so I can love him longer" louis says with a wide smile

"lets get to soccer practice before we are late and you cant stop staring at jordan" zayn sats laughing as they stand up and go to change their clothes as they go to the practice field

"louis" the coach yells out as louis goes to him

"yes coach" louis says

"we have a new student and he wants to try out for the team" the coach says "and since you are captain then I want you to try out with him to make sure you he is good and we can add him to the team"

"yes coach where is he at" louis asks

"he had to take some things to the office he should be back in about an 15 minutes" the coach says

"ok let me warm up" louis says as he goes to his team as they start warm up "come on zayn at least try" louis says laughing as he kicks the ball in the goal net

"shut it" zayn says laughing as they continue to practice and soon the coach blows his whistle

"Louis " the coach yells out as louis walks to the coach

"yes coach" louis says

"this is harry styles he wants to try out for the team" the coach says

"ok come on harry lets do some warm ups" louis says as they start to do warm ups with the rest of the team "alright lets get into teams harry you will be with zayns team and we will see how good you are"

"ok" harry says as they get Into their teams and start their game as harry makes a goal

"ohh this motherfucker is pissing me off" louis says to his team mate

"show him who is boss" louis team mate says laughing as louis starts to run and takes the ball from harry as the runs and kicks the ball and makes the goal as his team mates start to high five each other as they continue to run and steal the ball from each other

"ohh princess you messed with the wrong guy" harry says laughing as he takes the ball from louis

"ohh hell no" louis says as he starts to run as harry takes the ball from louis again as the coach blows the whistles as they stop

"louis" the coach yells out as louis runs to him

"yes coach" louis says

"what do you think" the coach says laughing

"he is really good and might I add really good looking" louis says

"I am not trying to find you a boyfriend so stop that should we add him to the team" the coach says

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