Chapter 14

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The following morning louis wakes up when his alarm goes off

"of fucken shit" louis says as he sits up "ouch"

"what is wrong" harry questions as he gets up

"we fell asleep I have to get home and shower and change before I am late" louis says as he gets up and puts his clothes on

"stay home with me take the day off I want to spend it with you" harry says

"but" louis says as harry reaches for louis

"just today" harry says hopeful

"ok" louis says as he gets his phone and calls his boss and gets back into bed with harry as they fall asleep and they have sex 2 more times and fall back asleep and they spend the rest of the day together and later " I have to go pick up the baby"

"no stay here" harry says

"so can I give my mom the baby forever" louis says as he starts to laugh as harry glares at louis

"never you are never giving away my princess" harry says

"I have to go pick her up and I am sure my grandparents are going to ground me for not coming home" louis says laughing

"if they do you can runaway and come live with me" harry says

"ok" louis says as he bites his lower lip nervously

"you want to live with me" harry questions

"yeah after last night and today I want us to be a family I mean if you are ready and want to I don't want you to feel like we have too" louis says nervoulsy'

"I want to I want us to be a family" harry says with a wide smile

"but you have to talk to my grandparents" louis says

"ok lets go talk to your grandparents and mom" harry says

"are you sure about this I don't want you to have regrets" louis says

"I been sure since I found out about mimi" harry says as he laughs "and after last night I don't think I can ever not sleep with you in my arms"

"me too" louis says "where are we going to live"

"umm until I am done with my internship how about here" harry says "and when I start making money we can look for our dream house"

"umm can we just get a new bed since you and lisa slept in that one" louis says

"that is a new bed when she left i got all new furniture so everything is new" harry says as he laughs

"ohh ok" louis says

"lets go talk to your grandparents umm angel what if they say no" harry says knowing how much louis loves his grandparents

"then I wont move in with you unless I get their blessing you can move in with me" louis says

"ok" harry says as they leave the house and go to louis grandparents house and soon walk in

"nana" louis says

"yard" louis grandmother says as they go

"harry how have you been" louis grandfather says as they hug

"really good and you" harry says

"just trying to keep active since mimi is not here" louis grandfather says with a small laugh

"umm I wanted to talk to you and nana" harry says

"ohhh this must be serious if you came to talk to us" louis grandfather says as they go sit down "ok you wanted to talk to us"

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