Chapter 11

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the following days were busy for harry as lisa went back to america and harry had been avoiding louis and harry was on his way to his parents house as he walks in

"Mom" harry yells out

"harry son i have missed you so much" anne says as she goes to hug harry tight

"where is gems and dad" harry says

"dad is on his way home and gemma should be him in 10 minutes she just called me" anne says

"ok let me take my things to my room" harry says as he goes to his old room and lays down as the thoughts of louis and matilda run thru his head and soon harry falls asleep a few hours later harry is woken up when he hears his mom calling him

"H get up dinner is ready" anne says

"im sorry i laid down i guess i was more tired that i thought" harry says as he sits up and walks down stairs

"harry" robin says first " i missed you son"

"me too dad" harry says

"brother" gemma says

"sister i missed you so much" harry says

"dinner is ready" anne says as they sit down to eat

"so how is the internship" robin asks

"really good i am learining alot i guess my professors were right nothing in the classroom compares to real life" harry says

"so when are we meeting lisa" anne asks

"we broke up i mean i broke up with her it was too much" harry says "she was telling people we were engaged and i dont even know what else she would get mad when i would have to do long shifts or she couldnt access my bank account"

"ohh shit i told you she was a gold digger" gemma says

"i know but it took me this long to end things i took her to the airport last weekend she is back in america" harry says

"Ohh my Are you sure she is gone" anne questions

"yeah I took her to the airport myself but I hope it is all over with" harry says

"wow I didn't think it was this bad" robin says

"I know but look I want to get over all of that I want to work on myself my job is so stressful and I don't want to worry about things" harry says

"ok" anne says as harry didn't want to tell his parents about louis and matilda as he still wasn't sure what he wanted to do

"you thinking about something" gemma says

"I am but for now I am not ready to talk about things" harry says

"we are here for you" gemma says

"thank you" harry says as the continue to eat and soon are done as harry goes to his room and lays down as he soon falls asleep the following days harry used that time to relax and spend time with his family  and soon harry goes back home and soon walks into his apartment  as his phone rings "what lisa"

"hey umm I need to talk to you" lisa says

"what do you need" harry says

"umm I went to the doctor and I am pregnant" lisa says as she starts to cry and sends harry an ultrasound picture

"how can this be we haven't even had sex in over a year" harry says annoyed

"maybe it was a drunken night" lisa says cryings "I am 4 months"

"4 months that was after we moved here and we haven't had sex again in over a year so how can this be" harry says "and if you are I want a paternity test"

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