Chapter 7

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Its been a year since louis graduated and started to work at the hospital he interned at and has been so happy to be able to make more money louis has met a lot of friends and still goes to the diner to eat louis hasn't heard anything about harry and he was ok with it

"louis" a nurse says


"room 6 needs bloodwork done and when you are done go to room 14" the nurse says

"im on my way just need to get room 2 first" louis says as he gets what he needs and starts to do what he is suppose to and when he is done louis goes to where he was told and soon takes everything to the lab and soon goes back to where he was suppose too

"louis" another nurse says


"a bunch of us are going out Saturday night since we all have the night off want to come with us" the nurse says

"let me ask my mom see if she can babysit" louis says

"my mom can watch her you know she wont tell you no" another nurse says

"janet let me ask my mom first but if she says no then you can ask your mom" louis says

"Ok so have you heard new doctor interns are starting in a month" janet says

"yes maybe I can find a dad for matilda" louis says as he starts to laugh

"or a sugar daddy" janet says

"as long as he doesn't want any sugar maybe a diabetic daddy" louis says laughing

"cindy lets find louis a baby daddy" janet says

"or a daddy" Cindy says laughing

"the least its been to long" louis says

"how long" janet asks

"when matildas dad and I broke up" louis says

"ohh my that is way to long" janet says

"I wouldn't even know what to do anymore what If I accidentally bark instead of moan" louis says laughing

"your too much" janet says laughing

"and you wonder where matilda gets her attitude" cindy says

"her father" louis says laughing

"not what we have seen" janet says laughing

"I have to go" louis says as he hears his name being paged and walks away as he goes to where he is supposed to be at as he continues to do his work


"yeah nancy" louis says

"did you talk to janet and cindy"

"about Saturday night" louis asks

"yeah are you coming"

"I don't know I have to see if I have a babysitter" louis says

"ok I love when you come out with us" nancy says

"I love it too" louis says "I better get to my next patient before I get fired" louis says as he walks away and goes to where he was supposed to be at and soon louis shift was over and louis goes to pick up matilda and goes to his house

"mommy" matilda says

"yeah" louis says

"I got a daddy" matilda asks

"yes you have a daddy" louis says as he sits down on the floor

"where my daddy" matilda says

"umm mimi your daddy is on an adventure far far away" louis says

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