Epilogue 🥲

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its been 6 months since harry and louis found out louis was pregnant and louis has been happy that harry has been front and center louis stopped working at his 7th month and harry is stille doing his internship

"nana" louis says

"yes love"

"im going to take a nap this baby is sucking the life out of me" louis says'

"ok call me if you need anything and your granpa is going to pick up matilda" louis grandmother says "why dont you take a nap in matildas room"

"ok" louis says as he goes to matildas room and lays down and soon falls asleep and a few hours later louis wakes up as he feels someone laying next to him

"Mommy" matilda says

"yes baby" louis says as he stretches

"nana says food ready" matilda says

"ok" louis says as he sits up "how was school"

"good i learning numbers" matilda says with a wide smile

"my baby is so grown up" louis says as he starts to cry

"no cry mommy" maitilda says

"i know baby but i dont want you to grow up" louis says crying as harry walks in the room

"what is going on" harry says confused

"my baby isnt a baby anymore she is growing up and soon will date get married and i will be a grandmother" louis says crying as harry starts to laugh "its not funny"

"angel princes love of my life" harry says as he hugs louis tight "our daughter will never date all she cares about right now is to remember to put her shoes on the right foot"

"but she is my baby" louis says crying as harry stands louis up and hugs him tight

"how about we hide our babies forever and they will never leave the house we can homeschool them" harry says

"can we" louis says as he tries to stop the tears

"we can i will build them a house with no windows or doors" harry says

"ok" louis says as harry places a kiss on louis lips

"come on nana said lunch is ready" harry says as they walk to the kitchen

"you ok boo" louis granmother says

"yeah just this baby has me so hormonal" louis says

"well you are due any day now and then hopefully you will be back to normal" louis granmother says

"i hope so too" louis says as he helps his grandmother as they sit down and start to eat and when they are done harry helps louis grandmother to clean up

"want to go for a walk" harry says

"yeah i need this kid out" louis says

"i go too daddy" matilda says

"of course lets get going" harry says as matilda gets hers bike as they take their usual walk and soon louis starts to rub the side of his belly "you ok"

"umm i dont think so i am getting a pain on my side lets go back incase i am going into laboe" louis says

"mimi lets go back mommy is not feeling good" harry says as matilda turns around and they go back to louis granparents house

"you ok boobear" louis grandmother asks

"i think i am about to go into labor i keep getting a pain here" louis says as he rubs the side

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