Chapter 6

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Its been 6 months since louis had matilda and has been so happy with his daughter louis still works at the diner and has enjoyed it even more as his grandparents help him watch the baby as he works and louis hasn't heard from niall but louis just figured that he was busy with school

"louis table 12 needs the check" liam yells out

"im on my way sorry" louis says as he goes to the register and gets the receipt as he goes to the table "I am so sorry its been hectic all day mr smith"

"its ok louis I wont mind just I have an appointment" mr smith says

"take your time have an amazing day and come back" louis says with a smile

"you know we will" mr smith says as he gets the bill and walks to the register as louis continues to work and soon louis hears joe call him

"yeah" louis says as he walks to joe

"can you do a double tonight liam is not feeling good and called out" joe says

"umm let me call my mom and grandparents see if they don't mind" louis says

"ok please let me know as soon as you can if not so I can make other plans" joe says

"ok can I take a quick break" louis says

"are your tables cleared" joe asks

"umm I have to but they are waiting on food" louis says

"Ok hurry" joe says as louis goes to the back of the building and text his mom and calls his grandparents and his grandparents say it was ok  and louis goes back

"my grandparents said yes" louis says

"Ok thank you louis I will call micheal and ask if he can come in a few hours earlier so you wont stay to long" joe says

"please but he if cant its ok" louis says

"ok we can talk before I leave to make a good plan" joe says

"Ok I have to go my food is ready" louis says as he walks to the kitchen and gets what he needs and takes it to the table "ok here you all go" louis says as he places the food on the table "can I get you all anything else"

"no we are fine" the person says as louis walks away and continues to do what he needed to do and soon louis sees niall walk into the diner

"louis" niall says

"hey how have you been" louis says as hugs niall

"good and you" niall asks

"really good been really busy" louis says "how many" louis says as he starts to get a menu

"2" niall says

"ohh you waiting on someone" louis asks

"umm harry" niall says nervously

"ohhh" louis says

"Look if you want I can tell him there is a wait and we can go somewhere else" niall says

"please I don't want to see him" louis says as he tries not to panic

"ok it was nice seeing you" niall says as niall walks out of the diner and louis takes a deep breath

"what happened" joe questions

"he decided to go somewhere else after all" louis says

"ok micheal will be here by 10 so once he gets here you can cash out and leave" joe says

"ok" louis says as the hosted goes to louis

"sorry louis you have a table I just sat"

"ok I will go" louis says as he goes to the his tables and continues to work and soon louis leaves and goes to his house as he goes to his room changes his clothes and lays down as he falls asleep and the next morning louis gets up and goes to make his sisters breakfast

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