Chapter 3

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its been 2 months since harry left to america to go to school and louis was doing ok but he missed harry but have been keeping busy with his sisters and friends harry and louis have talked alot on the phone and text each other

"louis are you ok" jay says

"yes mom" louis says

"how long have you been throwing up and dont lie to me" jay says

"2 months mom its just graduating and the break up and now nervous about starting school" louis says

"louis this isnt normal now i want you to answer me a question and dont you dare lie to me" jay says

"what:" louis says

"were you and harry active" jay says

"yeah but we were careful" louis says as jay puts her head back

"i will be back" jay says

"where are you going" louis questions

"store i think your pregnant" jay says trying not to be upset

"no i cant be harry and i were careful" louis says

"well all this says otherwise watch your sister" jay says as she walks out as louis starts to cry

"no please no i cant be pregnant what am i going to do" louis says crying as he goes to his room and lays down

"lou you ok" lottie says

"i dont know umm did you need something" louis says

"just heard you crying" lottie says

"just nervous about starting nursing school" louis lies

"you are going to be amazing you are so smart and i know you will do it" lottie says

"thanks lots where are the rest of the girls" louis asks

"yard playing" lottie says

"lets go play i dont want to think about anything right now' louis says as he sits up and walks with lottie to the back yard and starts to play with his sisters as they start to laugh and soon louis hears his mom calling his name

"louis" jay yells out and louis walks to her "go"

"mom can we talk before i take the test" louis says nervously

"about" jay says

"me possibly being pregnant" louis says

"i dont want to talk about it please son take the test first then we can talk about a plan" jay says as she takes a deep breath as louis goes to the bathroom and takes the test and soon walks out

"umm it says 3 minutes" louis says as he puts the timer on

"louis if you are pregnant what are you going to do" jay says

"i dont know i really dont know i never thought this would happen" louis says as he starts to cry

"louis i wont be able to afford to feed another mouth louis you will have to get a job and pay for the baby i will not be responsible to feed another baby" jay says as louis timer goes off and louis goes to the bathroom

"NOOOOOO" louis cries out "momma im pregnant" louis says as he shows louis the test

"louis think about what i told you call your doctor and make an appointment to confirm" jay says as louis calls his doctor and soon hangs up

"tomorrow at 8 int he morning" louis says crying "mom im sorry"

"it might be to late for an im sorry look lets not talk about this until you confirm but think about what i asked you and after everything is confirmed then we need to sit down and have a long conversation about this" jay says

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