Chapter 4

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The following morning louis wakes up and takes a shower and walks down stair

'are you hungry" louis grandmother says

"yeah starving" louis says

"breakfast will be ready in a few more minutes can you get your sisters"

"yeah I have to leave at 10 so I can sign the paperwork for my new job" louis says

"ok want you grandfather to take you"

"if he can please" louis says

"of course I can" louis grandfather says

"thanks" louis says as he walks to where his sisters were sleeping and starts to wake them up as louis hears the doorbell and soon hears his moms voice "come on girls get up mom is here"

"mommy" daisy yells out as she jumps up and runs out the door and soon they all go to hug their mom

"why are you here this early" louis says

"the house was to quiet" jay says laughing

"jay come on breakfast is ready" louis grandmother says

"mom let me help" jay says as they start to serve everyone as they all start to talk and laugh and soon louis gets ready

"loui here take my car so I can spend some more time with your mom" louis grandfather says

"ok thank you" louis says as he walks out of the house and gets into the car and drives to the diner and soon walks in

"louis let me get joe" the waitress says

"umm thank you" louis says

"go ahead and sit down where you were last time" the waitress says "by the way im beth"

"nice to meet you beth im louis"

"well hopefully we can all get along" beth says as louis sits down "let me get joe"

"thank you" louisi says as bethe walks away and soon joe goes to louis

"hi im glad you didn't change your mind" joe says with a small laugh

"no I really am looking forward to working here" louis says

"ok well lets get thru this paperwork are you able to do your drug test today" joe asks

"yeah I can go after we are done" louis says as they start to do the paperwork and an hour later they are done and louis leaves and calls his grandfather to let him know that he was going to take his drug test and a few hours later louis drives back to his grandparents house "mom"

"we are ion the yard" louis grandmother says as louis walks to the backyard

"how did it good" louis grandfather says

"good took my drug test and will start Monday" louis says as he tells everyone what joe told him and what they talked about

"ok well let me know what days you will need me" louis grandmother says

"thanks mom and dad I don't know what I ever would of done without you both" jay says as she hugs her parents

"louis" louis grandfather says

"yeah" louis answers

"I have been talking to your mom and grandmother and since you are going to have a baby your grandmother and I want to give you my car its 2 years old and its paid off you will just need to to the maintenance on it" louis grandfather says

"no I cant I will save my money and pay for one" louis says

"no its yours" louis grandfather says "you help your mom with so much and ask for nothing this is a graduation present and a thank you from your grandmother and I"

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