Chapter 12

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Its been 3 months since harry met matilda and harry has been so happy with his daughter harry has been getting more practice at the hospital and louis has been enjoying his job still and doesn't really go to the pediatric floor harry stull hasn't told his parents about matilda

"dr styles" the nurse says

"yes Kathy" harry says

"room 14 mother wants to talk to you" the nurse says

"let her know I will be in I have to check my other patient first just 15 minutes" harry says

"will do" the nurse says as he walks to where he was suppose to and soon walks out and start to see his other patients and before harry was done harry walks out of the hospital and takes out his phone

"daddy" matilda yells out as louis answers the phone and puts the phone on speaker

"what is my princess doing" harry says

"playing with mommy when I see you" matilda says with a wide smile

"im on my way to see you I just got off work" harry says

"ok daddy" matilda says

"umm when you get here I want to talk to you" louis says

"ok I am about 10 minutes I just left the parking lot" harry says

"Ok" louis says as he hangs up the phone "come on mimi lets get you ready your dad is coming"

"yay daddy" matilda says with a wide smile

"mimi how would you like to spend the night with dad" louis says

"I want nite nite with daddy pease mommy pease" matilda says

"I will talk to dad come on let me change you and get you some clothes incase dad wants to take you" louis says knowing harry will say yes and soon louis hears a knock at the door

"mommy daddy mommy daddy hurry hurry" matilda yells out as she gets louis hands and takes him to the door as louis laughs and opens the door

"hi she heard you knock and started to yell" louis says laughing

"I heard her ummm you wanted to talk to me" harry says

"mimi go play in your room please" louis says

"ok mommy" matilda says as she runs to her room

"umm I know when we started talking I told you once matilda got comfortable with you I would let her spend the night with you and you have been so upfront and very present with her so I wanted to let you know that when you want to umm you can start taking matilda over night" louis says

"really ohh I been waiting for this day" harry says with a big smile "umm can I take her tonight I don't work tomorrow"

"yeah I knew you would ask umm let me get her and I have an overnight bag for her" louis says

"its ok I have clothes for her at my house" harry says

"really" louis says in shock

"well I change her when we get to my house cause niall and her play in the grass and dirt and I don't want her to ruin her clothes soo its just play clothes" harry says

"ohhh well please take care of our baby" louis says

"you know I will" harry says with a smile

"let me get her" louis says as he stands up and goes to marildas room and soon walks out with her

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