Chapter 5

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its been 3 MONTHS  since louis found out he was having a girl and louis has been busy at the diner and saving his money to take 2 months off when he has the baby as for niall louis text and calls him or niall calls louis, when louis told everyone at work everyone was happy for louis and louis 

"louis" jay yells out

"mom i am ready" louis says

"louis you need to stop working you are due any day now" jay says 

"i know but  joe doesnt let me do much and most of the time the customers are letting me sit with them" louis says laughing

"hurry before you are late here i packed you some snacks" jay says

"ok" louis says as he takes a deep breath as jay has been taking louis to work and liam or someone else takes louis home since they dont want him to drive incase he goes into labor

"so are they still doing the baby pool" jay says laughing

"of couse and its growing" louis says laughing as they get to the restaurant and louis gets down

"am i picking you up" jay asks

"no zayn  is dropping me off they have a schedule up until i my due date" 

"i am so happy you are working there" jay says as they get to the diner and louis gets off the car and walks in

"partys here" louis says as he starts to laugh

"shut it" joe says laughing

"louis why are you still working" one of louis customers says

"because i get bored at home dont worry i was going to talk to joe and have this be my last week i am getting really tired and you all are about to lock the door on me" louis says laughing

"we really are" joe says laughing

"let me clock in and get to work" louis says as he goes to clock in and goes back "where do you want me joe" 

"you are taking over beckys section she has go" joe says as louis goes where he was suppose to and starts to get to work 

"hello i am louis i will be your waiter can i get your drink order" louis says as he takes the drink order as he goes to check on the other customers and before louis knew it his shift was order

"louis you ready" zayn says

"yeah lets go my feet hurt" louis says as he rubs his his belly

"you ok" zayn asks

"yeah just tired" louis says

"well you wont go on maternity leave" zayn says laughing

"im sorry" louis says laughing as he stops and starts to rub his belly

"you sure you are ok" zayn says concerned

"yeah i promise" louis says

"ok lets go so you can rest and put your feet up" zayn says as they leave the restaurant and go to louis house and louis thanks zayn and walks into his house

"mom" louis yells out

"Mom went to the store" fizzy says

"Ok i am going to change i will be right back" louis says "did she start dinner" 

"no she said she was going to order pizza" lottie says

"ok are you done with homework" louis asks

"yeah mom helped us when we got home" phoebe says

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