Chapter 1

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It's the final school year for louis and harry and they have so happy together as they kept winning their games and have brought the championship to their school

"louis" harry says as he goes to louis room

"sorry woke up late I just need to get my jacket are my grandparents here" louis says in a rush

"yes I will wait downstairs I have your backpack" harry says as he walks out of the room and soon louis walks down the stairs and soon they leave

"sorry fell asleep late finishing my report and I swear I didn't hear my alarm" louis says as harry places a kiss on louis lips

"it's ok I know you study hard to get into a good school so don't worry about it" harry says

"have you heard back from any collleges" louis asks

"no not yet but mr smith said most universitys don't  get back until its closer to graduation" harry says "you still want to be a pediatric nurse"

"yeah I am so excited my mom cried when I told her" louis says with a smile "and you dr styles still excited about medicine"

"yeah I cant wait hope we get into the same university" harry says

"me too" louis says as they get to school and walk in as they go to their locker and soon go to their first class

"louis so are you and harry going to prom together" zayn asks

"yeah mom and I are going to go prom shopping this weekend" louis says

"are you going to tell harry you want to wear a dress" zayn asks

"I don't know I am scared he wont like that idea like what if he is like if I wanted to date someone who wears dresses I would date a girl" louis says nervously

"but its better to tell him now than him leaving you at home on prom night and you will still be able to get another date cuz let me tell you the whole school would date you" zayn says

"shut it I only want harry" louis says "but I am I think tonight just in case things go wrong and I don't want to go alone"

"ok" zayn says as they continue to walk to their classes and soon got to soccer practice

"alright everyone lets do a practice game" the coach says as everyone starts to for 2 team as the coach blows the whistle and everyone starts to run after the ball and soon the coach blows his whistle and louis continues to run with the ball and harry runs after louis as harry trips louis and louis falls down and harry falls on top and smiles

"hi" harry says with a wide smile

"hi" louis says as harry kisses louis

"louis harry stop it" the coach says laughing as harry gets up and helps louis stand up

"why do you do that everytime" louis says

"cuz I wanted to kiss you" harry says laughing

"your such a menace" louis says laughing as they walk back to the rest of the team as the coach starts to talk to talk to the team and soon go to change and louis and harry start to walk to their house

"want to talk at the park for a bit" harry says

"yeah lets" louis says

"don't you have to take care of your sisters" harry asks

"no my mom has the day off" louis says as they go to the park and sit down on their favorite bench as louis sits on the bench and harry hugs louis "I want to ask you something"

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