Chapter 8

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"umm i dont think i am ready to date" louis says as they get to the floor louis wanted to go to and louis gets off the elevator as he goes to get a bottle of water and soon walks back into the elevator and louis presse the floor he needed as the elevator starts to move and soon stops as the elevator door opens and louis looks up "harry"

"who is he" harry says with jealousy as louis presses a different floor number as harry presses the floor number that he needs

"what is your issue you have that girl go throw a tantrum on her and leave me alone" louis says as louis ignores harry

"please can we talk about what happened" harry says

"no i have nothing to talk to you about everything was quite clear from the phone call that i heard" louis says trying not to get mad or show harry that he was still hurt about it and louis just kept ignoring harry as the elevator opens and louis gets out and louis gets into another elevator and soon gets to his floor

"what took you so long" cindy asks

"i stopped and went to the bathroom then ray asked me on a date" louis says

"ray nurse ray" cindy says confused

"yeah why what is wrong" louis asks

"he has a girl friend they been together for 6 years" cindy says

"are you sure" louis questions

"yeah she dropped him lunch the other day he introduced me to her" cindy says

"really what an ass" louis says as he starts to laugh

"did you say yes" janet asks

"of course not" louis says as he laughs as louis gets paged "i better go"

"hurry before micheals eye starts to twitch" cindy says laughing

"i know" louis says as he takes a drink of his water and leaves it at the nurses stations as louis continues to do his work and soon louis leaves as he is cautious when he leaves to make sure harry didnt see him and soon louis leaves and gets to his house

"how was your day' jay asks

"good but mom harry is an intern i think i might quit" louis says

"ohh shit" jay says as she starts to laugh "this shit only happens to you"

"I know" louis says laughing "where is my mimi"

"mom was at at a playdate with estelle and will drop her off in a few hours" jay says

"Ok i am going to change and take a nap" louis says

"i started dinner and am picking up the girls" jay says

"ok" louis says as he goes to his room as he hears the doorbell ring and louis goes to the stairs as he hears his mom talking

"no leave louis moved out after he graduated" jay says

"umm i wanted to talk to louis umm you think you can give me his address" harry says hopefull

"Of course not" jay says as she closes the door and sees louis sitting on top of the stairs "as much as i dont want you too but i think you might have to move out"

"i know im sorry mom" louis says as he starts to cry

"talk to me" jay says

"pick up the girls we can talk after the girls go to bed" louis says

"ok i will be back" jay says

"Ok" louis says as jay stands up

"dont answer the door" jay says

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