Chapter Two

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When you think of a revenge what comes to mind?

Maybe something humiliating or something that was specifically made for the person that you're trying to get your revenge from. Einar had somethings in mind that people would look at him in shock. He had always been a petty person, that's just how he is. So, with that he ignored the conversation of 'Vampire and Human Co-existing!' speech form Kaien Cross and started to simply head to his room to start something.

The first thing in his plan was to let his hair seem a bit long, just to remind Kuran of his so long dead lover that was seen in one of his flashbacks. Kuran being an Ancestor meant that he had a lot of pain in his heart. Which was perfect for him to use and make Kuran wonder just how did a suppose mortal/ex-human was able to know so much about him. Simply fooling him into thinking that this is common knowledge that the hunters have against him would be ideal.

Just as he was plotting he remembered an event from the anime that was supposed to happen now, it was an attack against some Day Class girls and how Yuki got bit. Why not fuck the timeline a bit more? Ensure that no one gets to taste Yuki but Zero, since that way it would make Kuran a bit more jealous against him putting his fangs against 'his woman' wouldn't that be perfect?

Deciding with that, Einar headed to where he could feel something about to go down.

His guess was right and Yuki was trying to get some answerers from the girls that where trying to get some photos from the Night Class. "We have rules against Day students trying to meet with the Night students while they're trying to learn!" Yuki scolds the two humans as they hang their heads in defeat at being caught. Just then the vampires Hanabusa and Akatsuki appeared from nowhere, "Well well well, look who we have here." Hanabusa stepped forward while Akatsuki stayed behind, just watching him. "Is this where that delicious scent was coming from?" he asked Yuki as she covered he wounded hand in response, the Day class students looked weirded out by what Hanabusa or their 'Idol-Sempai' was saying. He stayed quiet as he waited for the right opportunity to come and let him fucking surprise those blood-sucking assholes.

"It's such a waste to just let this be shed," the blonde said as he grabbed Yuki's hand and licked her bleeding wound. "Delicious~" he said in a cheery tone at having real blood than those blood tablets. Einar simply hid his anger as one of the girls spoke out, "W-w-what." She proceeded to faint from shock as the other followed along, "There now we have no one stopping us. Can I...?" he opened his mouth as if to bite Yuki's hand and that was all he needed to jump from his place and push Yuki behind him shoving his left hand at Hanabusa's mouth. Making sure that he pierced him and his shocked expression was all that Einar needed to continue his role, "Well you look at that, a blood sucking beast trying to get a taste of his dearest Kaname-sempai's food toy.

"Here why don't you have this blood instead, huh." He shoved his hand so far into Hanabusa's mouth that he pushed him to the ground.

"Fucking idiot," he tsked as he saw the look on the other bystanders face. "What you want some too, shrimp-dick?"

"I don't think that should be necessary," Kuran said appearing out of nowhere. Einar was a bit surprised that he still appeared here when it wasn't Yuki who got bitten nor did he shoot anyone yet. Kuran looked around and Hanabusa stood up straight as he bowed at him in fear and nervousness, "Kaname-sama!"

"I'll take him to Headmaster Cross for punishment, does that sound good, Kiryuu?" Kuran asked as he looked at Einar. He just hummed and grabbed Yuki before leaving then, not bothering to answer to someone that isn't worth it.

He intentionally made Kuran pissed at being ignored.


One thing that was different from both Einar and Zero was that Einar was not a vampire. He never dealt with having to ensure that he doesn't attack anyone and was trying to calm himself down by biting himself in his arms. It seemed to be working as the pain that he caused himself seemed to relief the ach that he had in his fangs, sure it left him quite bloody and messy, but it made him not deal with Zero's bullshit that is his body.

Afterwards, he bandages his arms and changes his clothes before he goes to class. In there the only thing that the students seemed to be interested in was talking about Valentine's day which was a few days away, but for some reason they call it Xocolatl's Day. Must be a cultural difference or something.

"Yori, are you giving chocolate to anyone this year?" Yuki asked her friend Sayori. "No, not interested. Are you?"

"Well, I have someone in mind..." she trailed of looking embarrassed. Einar could only sigh as he got tired of following the script that he somehow remembered still, he decided that he was going to change it up a little. Not much where people question his personality, but enough for him to keep his sanity. "If you can't give it to him, then I can give it to him for you," he finally said and Yuki gapped at him, "R-really!?" he nodded and Yuki thanked him a billion of times.

It felt nice being appreciated.

Einar contemplated simply leaving and leaving Yuki alone to do the crossover by herself but seeing how much she struggled to keep the girl from trying to jump over the wall to try and give the Night class some stupid chocolates was enough for him to feel bad. "EVERYONE GET IN LINE OR THE EVENT IS BEING CANCELLED!" a few girls started to complain but stopped once they realized that the one that they were complaining to was Zero. One of the girls that was trying to jump over the wall fell, and he caught her. She looked at him flustered but he ignored that.

"To think that you bunch would risk breaking the rules of a PRESTRIGIOUS school, that's being paid by your parents. What would they think if you got injured for trying to catch a glimpse of some other students simply because y'all think they're pretty? If you think that what you're doing is okay then fine, do what you want, but we'll see if you get to stay in this school after doing what you want," instead of yelling at them or scaring them Einar simply gave everyone a disappointed look and that seemed to give much more effect than yelling at them ever did. Everyone quieted down as he helped the girl that fell back to the line and stayed quiet.

It was to an awkward silence that the Night class walked into which surprised them at it. They looked at Yuki who shot a glance at Zero who had his back turned on them, so they couldn't see his expression.

Everyone felt that something in Zero Kiryuu changed.

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