Chapter Eleven

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It was nighttime and Einar was currently sitting in the old moon dormitory as he waited for Maria and Zero's brother to make an appearance. He had his gun close to him and brought Aido just in case things went south, but Aido wasn't with him and it made him feel a bit nervous.

"Zero-kun, you came!" a happy voice said as he turned around towards the only window in the room to find her there.

"Shizuka...I'd say it's nice to see you again, but both of us would know I'm lying right? Where's your dear bodyguard? I can't seem to find him anywhere," Einar said as he places his hand on his eyebrows to exaggerate his 'searching' gesture.

Shizuka stayed quiet as she finally opens her eyes and actually sees him. "You're a bit different from how I thought you would be..."

"Spiteful? Gloomy? Well tough shit, the world doesn't revolve around you."

She got an annoyed look on her face, "My my, you got quite the language there. Did you kiss your mom with that mouth?"

Einar smiled, "I inherited from her, but wouldn't you like to know. Why don't you go back to your husband, Rido?"

She stopped smiling, seems like he hit a nerve there. He embraced himself for an attack but surprisingly nothing came his way. Instead, she simply closed their distance and tried to kiss him. He was able to move just in time to direct her kiss to his check instead of his mouth. "Okay, pedo-vibes from you how lovely," Einar pointed his gun towards her but she moved away it seemed like this was simply one little game for her as she laughed at his frustration.

"Where did the little hunter spirit in you go?"

"Ah, screw this, FREEZE!" he shouted the key word that Aido and him made for when things went south. As soon as he said that ice was shot from outside into the building surprising Shizuka as some pierced through her body.

"Yippee ki yay mOTHERFUCKER!" Einar said as he shot towards the surprised Shizuka. A shadow rose from the window making the room dark. The only thing that was left was a bit of blood from who he assumes was Ichiru. Einar ran to the window to catch a glimpse of the two but could only see Aido's ice and hear a commotion outside. He thought the worse when he heard a shout of pain that was obviously male and ran out the door that was opposite to the window. He ignored the surprised Yuki and went down the stairs towards the door closer to the window that was near where Aido was and jumped through it.

Aido was on the ground with a wound on his shoulder, he was heavily bleeding. Going towards him he grabbed his face, "Fucking dumbass...come on drink, you're bleeding a bit too much to my liking." Einar placed his friend towards his neck and looked around to ensure that Shizuka or Ichiru weren't there and placed his gun away. Hissing when Aido bit him, he stopped Yuki when she was about to hit him.

"What are you doing—"

"He's injured, so I offered."

Yuki took that in and finally saw the blood that was on the ground. "Is—is that all from Aido-sempai?" she asked now worried at the amount that was there. "I don't think all of it is his, he was fighting that other Pureblood, Maria."

"She's a Pureblood!? I thought only one Pureblood was allowed here in campus..." she mumbled to herself. "Yes, I think she's here for different reasons than Kaien's plan, so keep your distance away from her and that little knight she has with her," Einar warned not wanting Yuki to even think of trying to befriend the other vampire. "She's the one that attacked me, so she could be a danger to the other students," Aido finally said after having his fill of blood. Einar noticed that his wound was finally closed, but it seemed that it was a bit pink.

Einar stood up and was soon caught by Aido when he stumbled, "Sorry, I think I took too much than I should've..."

"It's fine, don't apologize, you were literally bleeding in my arms."

"Yeah... wait does that mean that we just had a bounding moment?!" Aido gasped before smirking. "Nope didn't happen if I don't remember." he quoted. "I don't think it went but like but it'll do I suppose," Einar said and they chatted for a bit in English as Yuki was there, and they didn't want their identities to be discovered. After a while, they said goodbye and waved to each other, Einar looked at Yuki and saw her have this adorable puppy look that made him want to physically laugh.

Getting what she was thinking he told her this, "I'll explain to you why we get along tomorrow, sound good?" She nodded and they finished their look out and went to their respective dorms.


"One of the girls were passing a note around when you had a day off by my request. I obviously took it from them when I saw it and saw this number on it, I was curious since I didn't know what it was and texted it during the night. Imagine my surprise when that number immediately called me and called me a babygirl. I knew it was Aido, but out of curiosity I continued to talk to him, we became close and now have enough tolerance for each other," Einar whispered as the teacher was taking attendance the next day. Yuki nodded at his explanation and had a happy expression on her face, "I'm glad that you no longer hate vampires!"

"Oh, I still do, but now I know that not all of them are bad. I hate Purebloods though, they scare me."

Yuki sweat dropped at his comment, knowing that he meant that the only person he would hate would be her savior, Kaname.

A/N: Two updates that are closed to each other? No way! Hope you enjoy this chapter and –hope you don't mind my shameless plug in—check out my other fics when you have the ttime!

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