Chapter Twelve

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**SMALL WARNING, made some suicidal jokes, skip this chapter if you don't wanna read that**

Thanks to Yuki failing her grade with a 35, their class had to be the one in charge of decorating the gym that was supposed to be occupied for the upcoming school dance. Einar didn't mind having to clean as he has been in the short end of the stick by always having P. E. at his last period. Which apparently means that the school coaches can use him and the other boys as slaves to do their job for them, or the times that he had been volunteered by his mom to help in his cousin's quinzeñeras. To put it in a summary, Einar had a lot of experience in decorating important things.

So, when some of the guys where setting up the speakers he was the only one that noticed that they connected things wrong. Einar approached them and glared at them, "Do something else, I'll take care of this." With some nervous chuckles, the trio left Einar for him to handle the technological part of the dance/ball. He started to tidy up the DJ speakers and started to connect the cables to their corresponding places after managing to untangle the cables from the old box that they were stored in.

Einar then connected the microphone making a loud ring echo throughout the gym. He hissed since his vampire senses where more sensitive to loud noises that regular humans and lowered the settings on the microphone sound. He managed to fix the problem with the microphone and started to tinker with the buttons that were attached to the DJ controls to see if everything worked.

He was so focused on doing his job that he failed to notice a certain blue eyed blonde that was causing trouble by simply existing outside of school hours. "What are you doing?" a voice whispered and Einar got startled and hit the person with his elbow knocking Aido's breath away.

"DAMN, sorry I didn't see you there umm you have some blood on your face."

"Gee, I wonder why."

"You don't have to be a bitch about it."

"Kill yourself," people started to listen in to their conversation and Aido signaled him to pump their references up. "Ah," Aido started, "We just chilling here, bingchilling." He smiled at his own joke but stopped when he saw everyone confused at his joke.

"Idiot," Einar scoffed before a fangirl talked "Is it—is it appropriate for you to talk to each other like that?"

"Oh that, it's fine we talk to each other like that all the time. Right, Zero?"

"Sure whatever"

"Okay emo boy I see you."

"This is why you can't pull any bitches."

"..." the girl stayed silent but expressed some doubt.

"Yeah, it's not the worst thing Zero has said to me," when Aido saw the curious faces he decided to continue. "He says—he says dumb, dumb, dumb idiot, and I look at myself in the mirror and say dumb, dumb, dumb idiot." Aido looked at him, "You're the reason why I'm insecure."

Einar faked a thinking pose, "Didn't I say that because you were talking shit about my dead parents?"

"I only did that because you told me to overdose on my pills."

"Yeah, 'cause you said that I should slit my wrists and die."

The students where simply looking at them with shock as they heard how the two friends talked to each other.

"Well in my defense you threaten to dox me if I didn't give you my grandma's recipe to those sugar cookies."

"Yeah, but that was only because you promised me you'd give it to me if I let you sneak out for one night. You literally bribed me with food and then dipped."


"What if I was suicidal what if this was my last straw?"

"Then perish."

"Gay, anyways... did you get me the brownies that I asked for?" Einar said while he looked at his friend.

"Yeah, but can we go somewhere else? Their stares make me uncomfortable," Aido said while pointing his thumb at their 'wonderful' audience.


Einar and Aido walked away before they glanced at each other and busted out laughing grabbing at their sides when it started to hurt for laughing too much. Finally, after some time Aido took out a bag and showed Einar what he had asked for one time during their late night/early morning calls; weed brownies.

"You'll eat these with me at the ball right? Einar asked and Aido nodded in response, "Yeah, but remember not to overdo it in case Kaien notices us."

"I doubt that he'll know what we're on. He'll probably it's bloodlust."

"True, but we have to be careful about the others, "Aido insisted and Einar agreed with him.

"See you there?"

"You bet."


Einar didn't really like suits.

They were uncomfortable and hung to him as if it was extra skin. It made him feel frustrated for no reason, but luckily Aido and him had promised that they would have something that would liven up both of them. Now, he was dressed in a white and silver suit that had some black linings, he wore a white mask with dark blue ribbon. He was in a corner on the top floor looking down on everyone as they had fun.

This was the spot that Aido and him agreed on, Einar wondered what was taking his friend so long though. Aido was finally spotted wearing a royal blue suit with a black mask covering his face. He was panting a bit, "Fuck... those stairs..." he groaned before handing Einar the bag,

Einar waited until his friend was breathing correctly to give him his share of brownies. "On the count of three. One, two, three!" both guys shoved the brownies in their mouth and chewed. "It's good," Einar said. "Duh, they're edibles. They're supposed to taste like food."

"Not my fault I never tried these before."

"Why not?"

"I had a Mexican mother."

"Makes sense."

"Man, these edibles ain't shit—" Einar barely finished his sentence before he started to relax. "Ah, it's working now." He giggled.

""That's what I'm saying!"" they both high-five each other before grabbing their hands in the high-five and bumping their shoulders together.

"Anyways, we should probably look for Yuki. This is the time where E-Churro comes and leads her to Shizuka," he nodded at what Aido said and they both walked together in silence as they searched for Yuki.

Once they search the whole building, they decided to try their luck and go back to the old moon dormitory where they fought the first time. Einar and Aido got ready to fight with one getting his power's ready while the other took out his gun. They silently went inside and followed some shoe prints left by who they assumed was Yuki.

It was tense and even the weed in their systems couldn't help their nerves at what they could be walking into. Einar noticed a door that was blocked by a chair and someone was banging the door with all their might, "Help! Help me please!"

It was Yuki.

When A Gen Z Teenager Wakes Up As Zero KiryuuWhere stories live. Discover now