Chapter Three

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Einar didn't know why, but he got the feeling that Kaien didn't really like Zero. I mean he doesn't know all the things that the headmaster did for Zero like making sure that the association didn't kill him immediately for becoming a vampire and giving him a home when his parents died. But one thing that he never understood is why he would continue to constantly remind Zero of his views about Purebloods with no remorse? It made him hate him a bit even if Einar did like Cross in the anime.

He looked at the coupon that Yuki gave him, it was a back rubbing coupon. Einar just kept it in his pocket instead of ripping it like the original Zero did, he liked back rubs as they were relaxing. Maybe he could use this to make Kaname jealous for a bit. Maybe.

Walking towards the kitchen he saw someone that he forgot would be there. "You need help?" he asked Yuki who was attempting to make some chocolates from scratch. "What... oh no no thanks!" she said as she tried to cover her mess with her body. "You sure? I don't mind." Yuki paused for a bit before agreeing and letting him see the recipe that she was following. They spent the whole night doing some chocolates while Einar asked her some questions on who she was going to give them too.


Einar has his head on his arms as he uses them for makeshift pillows to rest his head for a bit, Yuki was beside him but instead of being awake she was dead asleep. 'Wasn't she failing this class?' he thought before kicking her and waking her up, "Wah—huh!"

He hid a laugh before turning to his side to pretend that it wasn't him who woke her up. "Yori, was it you who woke me up?"

"No, but I was meaning to ask you something now that you're awake."


"Who are those chocolates for?"

"Oh! Those are for our classmates, Zero and I made them."

"Zero... made them... with you?"

"Yeah, he said he was bored, so he helped me make some for Kana—for a friend hahaha."

"Enough talking, Yuki we have to go do our crossovers now," he interrupted the conversation before Yuki embarrassed herself even more.

They walked together in silence as they prepared themselves for the crossover and the chocolate sharing booths that they had to ensure where going well. The Night class came early and saw them putting up the booths, "Need some help with that?"

"Nah, we're finished already," Einar spoke as Yuki was going to say 'yes.' To prove his statement, he picked the wooden parts that still needed to be set and threw them to the place where it was going to be build. Then he proceeded to speed build the last booth before wiping his sweat away and stepping aside for his work to be seen, "Tadaa."

"Anyways," Einar started, "The girls should be here soon, so I'll just go over there. Bye." Was Einar going to skip this whole event if he could, yes, yes he was. Look he doesn't really want to experience having to go crazy over the fact that there's many necks around him. He doesn't really think he would be ablet to be ask strong as Zero was to handle his vampire side even if he hasn't felt any pangs of hunger the whole time that he was here. There're only times when he gets aches in his fangs but those don't last long.

He wondered if anything in Zero's body changed because he inhabited it. Makes him wonder what happen to his own, was he alive? Was this just some long and realistic dream?

Einar didn't know.

He was distracted from his thoughts when a girl from his class talked to him, "Kiryuu-kun... I umm have something to g-give to you." Some people really do have the worst timing in existence huh.

Einar turned around to look at the girl, she had black hair and dark eyes. It reminded him of one of his friends from his life.

"..." he stayed silent as he didn't know what to do. She handed him a baby blue box of chocolates, taking it in his hand he opened the box and saw some dark chocolate inside instead of the worms he thought would be inside. He didn't really know what to say as he never received any chocolates before, "Thanks..." he closed it again and put it in his back pocket. Einar didn't know what to do, so they stayed in silence before he decided to break it, "I didn't bring the chocolates we were going to give the class, so I don't have nothing to give you. Sorry..."

"It's okay, I wanted to give you these chocolates as a token of my appreciation. Thank you for saving me from the fall the other day," he nodded at that suddenly remembering her from the girl that he stopped from falling into the ground, "It was nothing. Just stop trapping the walls as if you're Spider-man."


"Anyways, I should head back I have some duties to attend to see ya."

He ran away back to where Yuki was and was just in time to see her box of chocolate falling to the ground. With some speed that he didn't know he had, he grabbed it before it could hit the ground. "Zero! Where have you been, you left me here to do our job all alone!" Yuki rightfully complained.

"Sorry, where you going to give this to him," he questioned while pointing at Kaname's back. "N-no!," he raised an eyebrow at that, "*sigh* yeah I was but..."

"I can give it to him for you if you want," she perked up at that like a puppy. "Really!? You'd do that for me, Zero?"

Einar nodded and went up to Kaname, "Oi! Kuram-sempai, you dropped this." Kaname turned around and saw the box that he held in his hand before glancing somewhere behind Einar, probably where Yuki was, "Thank you, Kiryuu-kun."

"Whatever," Einar said trying to keep up the Zero façade he had going on even if he already technically failed at it, he could at least act like Zero in front of his worst enemy. Soon after that the chocolate-giving-event ended and everyone was sent back to their dorms.

That night they still had to do rounds to ensure that both the Day and Night classes where were they supposed to be. During that Einar found himself cornered by only Hanabusa instead of all Kaname's little cabinet of vampires. He pulled out the gun that Zero always had with him and pointed it at Hanabusa, "What do you want, Vampire?"

A/N: TUN TUN TUNNN! What do you think Aido wants from our dear 'Zero'?

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