Chapter 2

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Elisa left by midnight and I went back up to my room when I finished eating. I realized while I was sleeping, he took out all of my clothes and hung them in my closet. Some were neatly folded and seated on the floor.

I take out a pair of pajama shorts with a thick hoodie, and walked into the bathroom.
"Make it quick please!" my dad shouted from downstairs as I turned the shower on. "The hot water runs out fast!"

I got in and out as fast as I could and washed my face so I could sink under my blankets where it's cozy.  My mattress is sitting in the hall, so I pull it up the stairs and laid it on the floor. I close my closet to see a note on my mirror reading, "Sleep well. Love you."  A small smile forms on my face. 

I haven't been able to get on my laptop since we got here. I open it and played with the strings on my hoodie as the home page loaded....and loaded. My dad got it for me at a garage sale for 30 bucks, so I'm not complaining. When it got to the home screen, I go to the chatting website that I use to chat with my friends back home.

It was hard leaving them. Michael, my best friend since middle school, wanted me to promise to text him and video call him everyday. And I will.  I don't even want to think about the fact that he'll probably find someone else, someone better to talk with at school and eat lunch with. Actually, there isn't a "probably." He will. And it'll hurt.
It's daytime where we used to live, so I go to "" to see if he's active.

He is.
'Hey, sorry I haven't been able to talk. We had to get settled in and everything.'
I wait a few seconds, and the three dots pop up with his avatar.
'What's up bro? It's fine. How's the place?'
'It's alright I guess. Nothing special, except for the houses all looking like it's straight from some Hogwarts movie.'
I type again.

'I'm just pissed at everything right now. Plus I'm really nervous about going to this new school. We even have to wear uniforms.'
'Oh no, uniforms? Yeah, I'll be praying for you. I'm joking. It's going to be alright, I promise. Just do what I told you to do. Hang low, stay out of the crowd, and do your work so you can get the hell up out of there.'

I snort.
'Haha. Thanks dude. I'll take your advice. So how is it over there? Everything the same still?'
'Yeah, pretty much. The town has been talking about you guys though. It's like everywhere I go, people are always talking about it. I overheard this one lady at the coffee shop saying she's going to miss you and that she wishes the best for you and your dad.'

My throat was dry. All of the people. Our family. We just left them all behind.
'I'm really sorry I moved. If I could change his mind, I would've done it way before we drove out here.'

He types for a while, stops, and then types so more. I bite the nails off my finger until it bleeds.
'Don't apologize for anything. It's not your fault. I just hope you guys find what you're looking for out there and take it easy. I'll be there for you. Whenever you want to talk, just text or call, and I'll pick up.'

My heart warms. This is why he's my best friend.
'Thanks man.'
' No problem. I have to sleep now. I can barely keep my eyes open lol. Tomorrow we'll be out most of the day so I'll call you when we get home?"
'For sure.'

I'm stuffing salty eggs and buttery pancakes in my mouth while my dad sips his coffee with his legs up on the table, reading the newsletter. It's early and sunny out. The sunset is still in the sky and people are already walking their dogs and going on their morning runs.

This is the earliest I've ever been up on a day I don't have school. He shook me awake like he always does and told me we have to get there early to get my uniform. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head and he told me he'll give me an extra 10 minutes to sleep.

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