Chapter 21

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I walk to Elisa's house, since her mom told me that she was babysitting for the rest of the night. I text and say that I'm here, and she tells me not to knock or ring the doorbell since Aiden and Noel are sleeping. We talk for a little while, but it didn't take me long to notice that she's distant, and was overall hesitant about me coming over.

We were watching TV, and everytime I glanced at her she was staring at the wall. She didn't even sit next to me. ; instead,on Elisa's rocking chair. It takes me a while to say something,and when I do, I ask, "How was the concert?" Her jaw tightens before she glares at me, and looks down.

"I saw posts about it online," I continue. It was raining and everything; it looked like everyone had a good time and I wish I could've gone but-"
Taylor cuts me off after slowly nodding.  "Am I your girl?" I could barely hear because she says it so softly. I slightly grip my hands on the sides of the couch.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I knew exactly what she meant.  She looks back up at me, this time, confused. "I thought we were, I don't know..a thing?"
I slowly sigh. We're jumping right into this.  "Taylor, about that.."

She shakes her head, faking a small smile. "I knew you weren't serious." Her eyes are already collecting tears and it makes me want to give me another swollen forehead. "Things were going so well." I look at her, tilting my head.
"Well?" I ask. "We were better off being friends, don't  you think? Like we used to be?"

"Yeah, like we used to be before you invited me to the Secret Santa bull crap," she says, raising her voice at the end. "You had no one else to bring didn't you? "I was your only option."
I quickly begin to shake my head, but she's right. Taylor was the only other friend I had, but that didn't mean that I didn't like her or not want her to come.

"That's not true," I lie. "I really, really wanted you to come. But you got the wrong idea, and I'm sorry if I gave you some kind of mixed signals."
She squints her eyes. "You told me, directly," Taylor says firmly, pointing her finger at the both of us, "that you felt the same way about me."

I lean and rest my arms on my legs. "Because I thought I did. You were pressuring me with the kisses...and sundae dates...and meeting your parents..." I rant.
She runs her hands through her hair, groaning before shouting, "You should've told me!"

We pause when we hear one of the kids come walking down the stairs. She glares at me, quickly wiping her tears away. It smeared her mascara. I can tell she is more upset at herself than she is at me. "It's not your fault," I say in a low tone.
"I think you should go." She stands and picks up Noel when she walks in the room. She's rubbing her eye then waves at me with a smile. I wave back and follow them in the kitchen.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," I whisper, trying to keep myself together so Noel won't sense that somethings wrong.

She looks at me again. This time, her face is blank.   "Well you did." She sits her down on the counter and opens the fridge. I'm still standing by the doorway. "Guess I'm not as pretty as Vivienne, am I right," she says with a small chuckle, along with a sniff.
Is that what this is about? Taylor thinks I have feelings for V. I shake my head, furrowing my eyes.

"What are you saying? She's my friend?"
She takes out a gallon of orange juice and slams it on the counter. Noel jumps. "Oh, and is that another thing you're not sure about? I'm not just some girl you can talk to when your friends aren't here to distract you from your miserable life." I stare at her. I can't believe she said that.
I take one step into the kitchen. "Taylor-"
"Jonah," she says, closing her eyes. "Please leave."

Noel takes the cup of juice she gives her and sips on it. "I have things that need to be done before Elisa gets home from her date."
I think about saying something else for a second, but it's best if I leave her alone. After making eye contact for a few moments, I walk away.

Sincerely, JonahWhere stories live. Discover now