Chapter 11

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Once they got here, dad had barely got the chance to talk or speak about anything. I took over, telling  Aunt Oliva and John about how much I missed them and about the new friends I met because they were the first thing that popped into my mind. Olivia sat there smiling at me, her hazel eyes sparkling.
When John told me that people still talk about us, dad slightly made a face. I did too, because there's nothing to say about me and Dad.

We're all sitting in the living room, Aunt Oliva and John cramped on the couch with a plate in their hand, and me and Dad sitting on the floor with our plates on the coffee table.

I have a feeling that some of them are still shaming us for trying to 'leave her in the past.' It made me wonder whether they really knew anything about us. Not even our own neighbors told us goodbye.
But still, they went on and on about how everyone misses us and wishes for Dad and I to visit there next time.

My cheeks dropped after she said that. As much as I want to walk down the streets of my hometown again around all of the familiar faces, it would hurt too much because she's not there. Time really stood still in her absence.

John asks me how's school coming along. "Your father told me the other day that you met a few and that you guys hang out a lot."

"Yeah," I say, taking a long sip out of my soda. "Their names are Finch and Viveinne, but people just call them Fin and V.
He nods. He's leaning back, relaxed. I can tell he looks happy for me and relieved that I have at least 2 people to talk to.

"That's good. I'm glad you guys are doing just fine out here." John looks around the house, his eyes landing on the photo of mom and dad and I. It's pretty obvious to spot since it's above the fireplace. It changes the mood fast. It was a matter of seconds before it was silent, so loud that you can hear me chewing the pasta. I glance at Dad and he looks super tired. He's smiling but his eyebags are big and dark, and his cheeks sag.

After finishing my plate, I asked Aunt Olivia and John if they wanted me to show them around the house and maybe around town before dessert if we have time. I told dad that it's fine and he can rest while we're out after he said we should leave him behind. Before I left, I gave him a hug, and he's shocked for a second, standing there with his arms by his sides.

A few seconds later, he hugs me back. I missed this feeling; so much that I didn't know what to do with it. I was finally with family other than dad, making me feel like I'm back at home. The thoughts went away for a while.


Fin and V banged on my window. I was in my bed, curled up with a book when I jumped up, startled. I look at the window and they're on top of a tree wobbling so I rush to open it before they fall.  The cold frosty air rushes inside, giving me chills under my hoodie.

Without a word, they climb in. I rub my eyes.
"Good evening to you too..." I get a closer look at Fin who's crouched over holding a rag against his face.
My eyes widen. "What the hell happened?" I rest my hand on his shoulder, telling him to look at me. When he doesn't, I turn to V for answers.

She takes off her backpack and sits on my bed with her hands in her face.
"After the bell rang and you ran off... I told him to wait for me outside while I drop off my text book."
Fin moans in pain. "These assholes chased me down and just started punching the crap out of me."

I get him off the floor and sit him at my desk as I gently pull his hand off of his eye so I could see how bad it is. So far, his lips are busted and bruised. I wasn't lucky enough for his eye to just have a little scrape. It was worse.

A big gash of blood starts from his nose, almost to his ear.
I gasp. Too afraid to hurt him, I begin to run out of my room when he grabs my arm. It's tight and firm. "What are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm getting my dad. He'll be able to help-"
Fin immediately begins shaking his head with his eyes closed. "No, you can't tell him."
"Why not? I think you'll need stitches for least a cleanup and bandaid."

Sincerely, JonahWhere stories live. Discover now