Chapter 19

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February < 3

Valentine's Day is around the corner, which means that the town has officially taken down all Christmas decorations and replaced them with hearts and love notes. Guys are on the streets carrying bouquets of roses, boxes of jewelry, chocolates.

I ended up going back to school the next week, after I saw V for the first time but Fin still hasn't reached out yet. V told me at the cafe while we were trying the new heart shaped cookies to give him some time and he'll tell me what's going on, as if she already knows.

That's why I was so excited to come back to school despite my forehead that's now shaped like a small egg. I was supposed to stay at home for another week, but I was missing too much

Taylor would stop by after school to give me my pudding from the cafeteria that I love, along with the drama that's going on. Even though football season is over, people are still gossiping about Bryce and how he moved away. Some people say he moved schools because he wanted to, but I think we all know he got expelled.

I begged Dad to pick up my papers from school, but he insisted that since I'm not in any bad pain anymore and can walk, I can walk to my classes and will feel just fine. Which is true. I just don't want to face everyone after what happened.

It's my second day back and just after Dad drops me off, V meets me at the doors to tell me to go to our hangout spot to talk to Fin. I'm pretty nervous now because things have to be bad, since we haven't spoken in over a month.

I hesitate, scratching my head. V pulls my arm and we walk in the doors. "It's fine."
We  go to her lockers. I notice that she didn't wear lots of makeup to school today, just mascara and lipgloss, with her hair down in front of her face. I stare at her face, mesmerized by her freckles that she would always cover up.

"Will you come with me?" I ask, looking around. People are giving us cold stares. Some are giggling as they walk past. V glances at me and  frowns as she's twisting her combination code. "I failed Ms.Kerns reading test and my mom wants me to go to her tutorials." She grabs a thick packet and closes her locker.

"Good luck. I have to do it today I think." I groan, realizing that there's a lot of things I have to do.
"You'll be okay." She checks her watch and hurries stuffs her books into her bag. "I gotta run. Hurry before the first bell."
I watch her walk off into the crowd, then went the other direction to our hang out spot.

"You're finally here," he says from behind the door, as I'm trying to slightly close the first one without kids seeing me.
"You're supposed to be helping me with this song I can't get,

He says. "I have no idea why we have to perform a love song. The chores are too-" his face changes when he sees me. I can't make out if it's in a good way or bad. The lights are dimmed, but I can still see his hair that's slightly slicked back and his block boots he always wears. He's working on a piece of paper.

The room looks a little different since I've been gone. I'm guessing V did most of it like she says she would, replacing the dusty mug with a rich dark blue. There's a new lamp and more posters and quotes on the walls.
I sit my bag on the floor.

"Jonah...." He lets out a breath. I awkwardly sit in the pillow that lies on the floor.
"Yeah, that's me."
Fin sits his pencil down and slightly turns around. "I didn't think you'd come."
I frown a little, looking down. "No, I don't mean it like that. I just missed you. Truth."
I can hear kids talking from the halls. "So why'd you say you wanted space?"

He stands and sits across from me. "Listen...." He starts after a moment. "You V know me better than anyone. Before you transferred, she was my only friend and I thought that no one could ever truly like me. She was all I had."

Sincerely, JonahWhere stories live. Discover now