Chapter 3

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"Wow. They're really professional here," my dad says as we back out of the parking lot. The truck makes a loud screeching noise.  I swear if he doesn't get that fixed, I'll jam screwdrivers through my ears.

"Yep. I don't know if I like it. There aren't any other schools around here."
"Then you can just homeschool me."
"No sir. You haven't even given them a chance yet. Dr.Larcom seems to really like you. I promise you will be just fine."

I groan and lean back into my seat.
We're going into town next to buy more things for the house because we only have our mattress, old furniture, and dishes that cracked on the way here. Other than that. It's empty. I see book stores, pet stores, and coffee shops.

Not many people are out because of the weather. It's so cold, my skin numbs as soon as the air touches me. I had to bundle up and wear my 2 jackets that are thinning , thrifted jeans, and boots. Dad told me to wear his coat and he'll just buy him another while we're out. I couldn't say no because he forced me to. Now I feel bad because he just has on his sweater.

We walk into the coffee shop first to get some hot cocoa. It's called "The Moonbeam cafe." with dark blue paint on the outside. Very few chairs were sitting in front.  I was expecting to see run down with paint peeling off the walls and crooked pictures when we walked in, but it was the complete opposite. The walls were still dark blue, only glittery.

Many people are here chatting and laughing, watching the news. A group of teens are sitting at the back eating croissants and sipping orange juice. I see one who points at me and then all of them turn their heads. I look back down at the wooden floor and walk behind my dad.

"Hello, welcome. What can I get for you," says the woman behind the counter. She's wearing a blue apron with her black wavy hair tied into a bun. Her name tag read 'Taylor.'
He looks up at the big menu behind her and says, "We'll get 2 hot chocolates. Make it small. One with peppermint and marshmallows please."

It smells like hazelnut and the sound of heavy machinery fills the air.
Taylor writes it down on a notepad then looks at me, then back at him. "Sorry to ask, but are you guys new here?" She pushes her glasses up.
My dad chuckles. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

A smile forms on her face. "It's a very small town. Everyone knows everyone." she puts her hand near her mouth. "And it's totally not because of your english accents."

"But anyway, welcome to the town!" Taylor looks at me again. "Is this your son?"
"Yes. This is Jonah." He moves out of the way so she could see me and a wave. She waves back. "Nice to meet you guys.Will that be all for you sir?"
He nods.

"You sure? We have our new fall cookies...." I look up at the menu and see a picture of a cookie shaped like a leaf, with m&ms and peanut butter on it. We probably don't have any extra money for that because he shakes his head and says, "No thanks. Maybe we'll come back later this evening and check it out."
"You bet.. Your total is $ 7.40."

We walk back out onto the streets. My dad is almost done with his, meanwhile I'm just eating the marshmallows because people are looking at us. All of the buildings look alike besides the cafe: Brown and dark brown, with brick walls.

Everything is different here and everywhere we turn, there's always someone waving at my dad, starting conversations, and exchanging phone numbers. He's way too friendly. I just stand there awkwardly while he talks to a tall woman  wearing a big long coat that goes all the way to her knees and black jeans. Her long curly hair flows down her shoulders.

"Nice to meet you guys," she says before looking at me, "I have a daughter, Elora. She's a senior this year but she's super friendly. Maybe you guys might have a class or 2 together..." she chuckles. "Maybe not since it's a big school. But we all live just feet away from each other. We'll stop and say hi one day."

Sincerely, JonahWhere stories live. Discover now