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Mumbos pov
When we all are on the other side, we just take a moment to actually process it. We're out. We have a chance at finding Grian. I feel my heart drop a little at that thought. He's out here all alone. Just him. Going god knows where. And him and his horrible navigation skills, he won't be able to get back. I hear a thud from behind me and quickly turn around, expecting to have to engage in some form of combat. Instead, im met with Martyn on the ground in Rens embrace. Rens tail was wagging a decent lot and he looked hyper. Martyn seemed tired, but maintained a confident smile. That spell must've taken a decent amount of energy from him, and now we have to walk a lot. Hopefully he doesn't pass out.
Ren got up, pulling Martyn with him, and Scar joins in of the affection and hugs Martyn as well. I decide to join in on the group hug, and hug him as well.
"Thank you so much Martyn-" Scar said softly.
" Uh- Yeah If course - no problem -" Martyn stuttered out, he was clearly not used to group hugs. I remember when Grian wasn't. It was adorable - his cheeks would turn a pretty pink, and he'd try and escape, though never succeeded.
We all depart from the hug.
"So Ren- how are you going to track him?" I ask, not exactly sure how he planned to sniff him out without getting a smell of his scent first.
"That's what Martyn's for! Martyn?" He held his hand out in front of Martyn.
Martyn shuffled around in his pocket a little, then pulled a multicolored feather from it, and set it in Rens palm. Ren sniffed it then handed it back, and sniffed the air.
Martyn pocketed the feather while Ren did his thing.
"He went this way" Ren pointed diagonal from the border.
" Alright! Lead the way! " I tried to use a confident tone, but to be honest I wasn't confident at all. I was terrified of what we'd find. What trouble we'd run into. If we ever actually found Grian or not. If he'd be alive. Etc.
Ren began leading the way, and the rest of us followed. I noticed Martyn writing in a book as we started to walk, though I didn't mention it.

We walked, and walked, and walked for hours. We stopped occasionally when one of us got distracted by the pretty untouched lands, but most of it was just walking.
Until near sunset.

I looked over at the sun, it was much lower in the sky. In about an hour mobs would begin spawning.
"We're in a plains, this would be a good place to stop and set up a temporary base?" I suggested. Ren nodded in agreement.
" Scar? Martyn? Can you two-" I was cut off my a thump. I quickly turned around to see what had happened.
Martyn had collapsed, and laid passed out in the grass.
" Martyn -!" Ren quickly pulled him up, pulling one of his arms over his shoulder. Scar pulled Martyn's other arm over his shoulder, and the two half carried, half dragged him over by a tree, and set him down lean against it.
"Scar- work on getting a base up- I'll light up the area- Ren stay with Martyn-" I didn't wait for their responses before grabbing torches from my inventory and starting to light up the surrounding land.
I hate that we have to stop, but it isn't smart to travel at night. Rest is needed. Grian should be setting up shelter too by now. Wherever he is.
I just hope he'll be okay. And that we'll be able to find him. Just hang in there Grian. We're coming to get you.



After Scar had gotten the base set up, And four beds made, we drug Martyn inside, set him on one of the bed then sat down to relax.
Scar and I sat on beds across from eachother neither of us saying anything or breaking the silence, instead we focused our gaze on Martyn and Ren.
Ren sat criss cross on one of the beds with Martyn's head in his lap. He was gently running his fingers through his hair. I figured Martyn was having a nightmare by the look of distress on his face and the occasional twitching. He was tense too.
Scar and I held tired small talk, nothing worth remembering. He was looking around a lot though, and held a notebook close to himself. I was curious about what it was for but didn't ask. He'd had it with him since we left. My guess was for journalling? I look back at Martyn, he was letting out soft whimpers and whines, he looked afraid. He'd been unconscious since he dropped in the field, god knows the amount of strain he put on himself. Part of me wanted to wake him up, to get him out of the nightmare, but the other part knew he needed the rest, his body was exhausted. I stared at him torn on what to do, Ren shared my same expression. Ren and Martyn had been close since 3rd life, Martyn even still slips up sometimes by calling him "my liege" and such. Ren always got happy when he saw him, his tail would wag and he'd get excited, and Martyn would smile more than usual, enough to cause his cheeks to be sore later. But here neither of them were happy. Martyn was exhausted and struggling through a nightmare, and Ren seemed afraid to lay down and sleep, he looked afraid to take his eyes off Martyn or let him go. And I don't blame him. Martyn had tried since he got here to be the light for us all, he's always so bright and funny, but we know better than to believe it fully. Barely any of us know where he came from, just a handful of people who don't speak of it. They just say he didn't get out the most okay. But here he is, he's trying to be okay. He's trying. I dont think he knows that's enough. My thoughts are cut off by an axe coming through the door, this causes us all to turn our attention over, and for Martyn to jolt up wide awake now.

The axe is iron, it looked warn. The blade was pulled out of the wood and back to the outside. Scar and I grab our swords while Ren grabs a bow, pulling Martyn close and not really letting him get any weapons, he won't let him fight.

"Don't freak out like that! It was your challenge Mumbo!" A familiar voice called from the other side of the door before it opened.
Grian stepped inside of the little house we'd made, except he didn't look as warn as when we last saw him, he looked like he normally did in hermitcraft. Red sweater neat and clean, chest harness, grey pants with a bag hung from his waist, his hair brushed and soft, he even wore his glasses.
"Grian!!" Scar shouted as he climbed from his bed, running over and hugging his friend, picking him up and twirling around, the two giggled.

"Grian! We were so worried- where have you been-??! How did you get out-??" I questioned, I wanted to hug him, but decided to give him some space and not crush him more than he already was being by Scar.

" I went back to hermitcraft? Where else would I go?" The small hermit explained as if it'd be an obvious answer.

" But how- why-?? I'm so happy to see you-" I was too tired to stop the words falling out of my mouth, questions and worries just spilling out.
" Mumbo, you seem tired, just take a breathe, we can talk about it in the morning, for now, you all need rest." Grian looked at me concerned as he spoke. As much as I wanted to ask more questions, I knew he was right, we all needed sleep.
" Okay- uhm-. We don't really have wool for another bed so- you can crash with me? " I offered.
He smiled sweetly at me, giving just a nod in response. I didn't mind that he didn't verbally respond, I was content with his adorable smile.

He went to go over and join me in my bed, but Martyn held an arm out to stop him.
" Martyn? What's wrong - you don't look good-? " Grian looked at him, his voice showing his concern clearly.
" You're not Grian. " Martyn spoke with complete certainty in his tone, it scared me.
" You had another nightmare - didn't you-?" Grian reached his hand out, pressing it softly to Martyn's freckled cheek. "It's me, I promise you." He softened his tone.
Martyn maintained eye contact with Grian for a few moments, before he swiftly pulled a dagger from his pocket and jabbed it into Gris wrist, causing the avian to let out a bird like yelp of pain and try and pull away, in which Martyn didn't allow.
"Martyn-!" I rush over and grab the blondes hands, making him release Grians arm and the dagger, allowing the avian to pull away.
"What is going through your head!?? We aren't in Last Life!" I yelled at him. I don't like to yell, nor do I do it often, but I couldn't stop myself from raising my voice at him. I couldn't just let him hurt Grian. Part of me considered revenge, spilling his blood in return. But it wouldn't help anyone.
Martyn stared at me as I yelled at him, his expression remaining one I couldn't read.
"Control your pet." I looked at Ren when I said this, it came off more rude than I meant, but I did not exactly care at this moment, I was more worried about Grian.
"Pet? Real mature Mumbo. Sorry for trying to keep you dumbasses alive." Martyn snapped back before pulling away from Ren and leaving the house, slamming the door behind him.
"Martyn-" Ren went to follow him but I held my arm out to stop him.
"Let him go. He'll be back. He isn't stupid enough to stay out there all night. He needs to calm down anyway and quit being irrational." I eased my tone a bit when speaking to Ren. He seemed unsure, but nodded, sitting back down on his bed with hesitation.

I assessed Grians wounds, and we talked for a bit, nothing important, just me, Scar and Grian chatting, Ren didn't say a word. It had been an hour since Martyn had left and we'd seen no sign of him. Part of me was relieved by this. And I felt bad for that. We're supposed to be the Southlanders, all friends and sticking together. Yet he hurt Grian and I turned him away. I don't know if Martyn and I will ever really get along..
We eventually settle for bed, Grian curling up close by my chest for warmth. I ran my fingers through his hair a bit, drifting off to sleep as I felt his wings wrap around me.
Grians here, he's in my arms and he's safe..
That's what matters right now.

Hey hey!! I'm back from hiatus!! And here's a chapter!!
Mumbo getting a bit sour and Martyn acting out a bit, gotta love the conflict between the boys

Anyways, as always, please remember to eat, drink and take any medicine you need to! Love you!!!
1921 Words

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