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I'm not quite sure where Lara thought she was to end up following the most recent excursion she had attempted

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I'm not quite sure where Lara thought she was to end up following the most recent excursion she had attempted.

It was not doubted - her ability, or her competence.

Lara had been taught by the best, as the best.

That was indisputably accurate.

"Lieutenant Mitchell." Called Admiral. Solomon "Warlock" Bates as he looked down upon the girl before him.

Dismay would be an understatement.

Numerous, countless, endless times had the pair been in this predicament.

He would find ways to offer the benefit of the doubt.

Favours would be called in to avoid the court Marshall.

The whole Navel unit knew she was too good to lose. But, equally were cautious of her potential to become like her father.

The Navy needed Pete Mitchell, just like he needed them. But sometimes, his comfort caused too much concern.

Admiral Bates would explain over the implications of Lara's actions repeatedly. Bates lost count of the endless times he had exhausted his words listing the reputation damage the attitude of the young Aviator pilot before him was causing.

To herself.

To her crew.

To her squadron.

To her legacy.

"I'm unsure if your unchanged behaviour is safe to have around my Squadron, Lieutenant. Mitchell." He sighed. "There comes a point where I have to think of the bigger picture."

This was the first time, really, that it felt as though there was little room for Lara to justify her actions.

This time felt as though the end of the line was near.

Lara placed herself straight set in front of Bates's desk. "I thought Lieutenant. Kirby had more control of his landing, Sir." She justified.

"Tell me, Lara. How could a recently qualified Lieutenant have more control of his landing when that was the third time landing in such complicated circumstances?"

Lara sighed. "He'd taunted me, prior to the exercise-"

"Not good enough, Lieutenant." Snapped Bates.

He wanted her to feel the threat.

"Sir. I let my judgement cloud and I assumed he had more control of his aircraft to cope with... slight turbulence."

Lara knew she was currently justifying her actions that had caused a newly qualified Aviator pilot to crash land in the Pacific Ocean.

Lara knew she had done so whilst the newly qualified pilot had done extremely well to narrowly avoid the watch tower from Battleship Vesta, whilst returning from deployment.

Lara knew it had been her cocky behaviour. The one thing that she struggled to keep under lock and key in certain scenarios.

Her one weakness.

Lieutenant. Lara "Lockdown" Mitchell knew she was good.

It was safe to say Lara knew that in this scenario, her explanation would be picked to pieces by the stern Admiral.

Lara acknowledge that her reckless behaviour could have ended much more intensely had she not known the limits of her prey.

Nodding slightly, Bates shook his head. "You're to pack your bags." He commanded.

"Admiral..." she tried.

"Effective immediately." Bates commanded.


Bates's eyes remained glued to view from his office window, onto the vessel that moved through each wave of the Pacific Ocean before them. "I believe you'd find way to disturb every wave left unturned, if you could." He sighed, before turning to face a furrowed-brow young girl before him.

"I can apologise, Sir." She offered.

Lara knew this was perhaps not going to win her any favours now.

But try as she may.

A knock at the door interrupted their dispute, "enter" was called by Bates as two uniforms entered the cabin to inform the incoming of the helicopter due within the next25 minutes for scheduled landing.

"Do you acknowledge your reckless behaviour Lieutenant. Mitchell?" He questioned, as the acting Admiral.

"Sir, yes." Lara responded, nearly breaking.

This time felt different.

This time felt as though there was no apology she could swing to remain with the current Squadron aboard Battleship Vesta.

"I want you to act your wings, Lara." Admiral Bates commanded with heart buried in each syllable. Bates sighed, leaving the young girl before him in agony at the next order. "You're running out of lives." He sternly spoke, directly in front of the young pilot as she stood straight - tears forming ever so slightly in her eyes.

The radio, attached to the nearby officer who had remained as ordered, broke the silence. "T minus 15 minutes Admiral." Called the officer.

Bates nodded as he accepted the information. "You'll gather your belongings. Address the Squadron and your crew." Bates turned from Lara as he directed his words to the two officers behind her. "One of you with me, the other with her."

"Ten minutes. Then, meet me at the Helipad. Lieutenant."

"Sir." She responded as acknowledgment before watching Admiral Bates exit. Leaving her and the young officer alone.

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