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The aching sensation was one Lara would not forget so easily or any time soon

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The aching sensation was one Lara would not forget so easily or any time soon.

During training, ejecting had always been her most feared due to the impact and upset it caused her body.

No one is supposed to feel the pull unless an emergency, and yet despite the pain you're supposed to be thankful that you're still alive.

Lara and Bradley spent one evening when they were 18-years young drinking post training on the jetty. During this evening their discussions spiralled to many outcomes, but the second most memorable discussion was surrounding Goose.

The pair had only heard the tragic story twice in their lives, both times they were together.

It wasn't something they speak about, no one speaks about it. But they were both frightened by the tragedy - as every one of those who heard the story. Lara's mind went in every direction during the incident, but she couldn't help but think that the panic was how Goose felt in those moments.

Her heart broke.

The discussion that sticks first and foremost in her mind, and Bradley Bradshaw's, was one the pair have never since mentioned to anyone else. This was post the brief moment Bradley seized by stealing a slight kiss from his dearest friend.

It wasn't something she hadn't liked.

It was something they had both almost crazed over at many points of their lives.

But it wasn't right.

It could have been.

But not long after, when both were confused and shy and unable to function without smiling slightly, Rooster learned 'the truth' about his papers. The whole event following his new found knowledge, the treatment that Lara had felt she received from Bradley once he had found out, was enough to pull the pair apart and break the foundations of something they'd accidentally spent their lives building.

Both were saddened.

But non of that was really relevant now.

Not considering the pain Lara felt. Then, and now.


But somehow, the pain Lara experienced was softened by the gentlest things touch trailing down her skull.

"Jesus." She moaned as she slightly moved her body. Lara raised her hand to her head, checking it was still attached really. He knew trailing his finger over her slight frame may encourage her to wake, in fact he slightly hoped.

"I need to take you on nicer dates than a hospital, yet you can't seem to keep away." A voice joked as Lara opened her eyes slightly to find Jake Seresin smiling down on her. "Anyone would think you're trying to off yourself just to avoid me." He jested, watching as a small smile appeared across her gentle face.

Scoffing, Rooster spoke up. "She has better taste than you, Hangman." He called as he approached the bed to smile down on the girl. It almost killed Rooster inside to know he was finally winning her back, but now he had to consider the potential threat of his enemy alongside convincing her he could be worth it - after all this time.

What a situation to wake up to.

"They'll keep Lockdown and Fanboy in the hospital overnight for observation." Maverick called as he reentered the room to find Rooster watching over the girl who was resting her eyes for a moment. "They're gonna be okay."

"I'm right here" called Fanboy as he listened to Maverick.

"You pair are trouble." Called Phoenix as she smiled gently at her friends who lay before her.

"That's good." Lara responded as she turned her head slightly to smile over at her copilot. "We've been in some scenarios before, haven't we." She called and he shook his head smiling.

"Yeah, but never as interesting as today. Passed out twice and ejected without realising... I'd say a pretty fun day in the office." He responded as the pair chuckled between themselves.

Whilst Jake Seresin was partially listening to the brightness the girl brought to any room, he was partially listening to the conversation between Maverick and Rooster, too.

Just like Lara.

"I've never lost a wing man." Rooster stated as Maverick took a seat besides him.

"You're lucky." Maverick called. "Fly long enough, it'll happen. There will be others."

"Easy for you to say. No wife. A kid with a death wish, and nearly nobody to mourn you when you burn in."

Lara sighed, she had hoped this may have been a breakthrough moment for Rooster. "Go home." She called, faintly smiling at her old friend.

"Just get some sleep." Maverick suggested as he stood up and approached his daughter's bed.


"I think you're the one who needs some sleep, pops." She responded as she smiled up at Maverick, at her father. "You're starting to go grey." She joked.

Maverick scoffed, "rather that than lose the hair I have on my head through stress caused by you - alone." He chuckled, kissing his daughters head gently. Maverick returned to the seats on the side of Lara's bed, placing himself a seat away from Rooster.

But the room knew it wasn't enough to keep the tension down.

"Why'd you pull my papers at the academy?" Rooster called, causing Lara to fill her eyes with worry and concern. "Why did you stand in my way?" He demanded answers, causing Lara to grab her father's hand to show a United front.

"You weren't ready."

"Ready for what?" Rooster was getting wound up. He knew it was from the frustration and scare of the previous actions. But he couldn't help. "Huh? Ready to fly like you?"

"No." Maverick sighed, he knew what he was saying would hurt Rooster. "Ready to forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. You think up there, you're dead." He stopped for a moment. "Believe me."

Rooster paused for a moment. Clearly unable to deal with the situation. He knew he had let his opportunity with Lara break slightly, but he couldn't help the anger. "My dad believed in you. I'm not gonna make the same mistake."

It went silent for a moment.

At some small point along the way, Lara had briefly mentioned the negative past between Maverick and Rooster to Hangman. So, he was not in the dark during this situation as such. Nor did he have full knowledge of the scenario.

But, it was enough for him to step between Rooster and Maverick.

"Come on, let's get out of here." He stated as he nodded over towards Lara - enough to see her mouth 'thank you' as he then exited with a very lost Bradley Bradshaw in toe.

"She needs to stay over night, doctors orders." Rooster interjected; Rooster didn't want watch her leave with Hangman.

"Actually, I'd quite like to go home. Especially given what's coming tomorrow." She spoke gently, collecting her belongings within close proximity.

The group were happy for Lara and Fanboy to return to their bunks for the night. There was no internal damage, only reputations. The pair wanted to get back up in the air.

They needed to.

Jake held the door open for a stumbling Lara as they finally landed in her room. She had told him she was fine, she had promised, but he didn't want to leave her. Truthfully, Jake wanted to keep her in close range. And Lara was ok with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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