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Lara had searched the entire vessel, or at least that was how it had felt in the spare moments she had gathered

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Lara had searched the entire vessel, or at least that was how it had felt in the spare moments she had gathered.

"Lieutenant." Called the officer as he held her jacket out collected from the back of her door - room 398 aboard Battleship Vespa. "Times up."

Her heart ached. She never thought she'd have to say goodbye to all that she loved, including her copilot WSO Lieutenant Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia.

Although, Lara never imagined she'd have to say goodbye - not really.

"Ma'am. I'm sure the squadron shall be on the deck waiting to see you off. Admiral Bates has called his last order. I must insist-"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I know." And with the acceptance from Lara, the pair exited the dorm and made their way swiftly to the top deck.

Lara made sure to look up as she stepped out. Her squadron all lined up along the balcony as they sadly watched their loved one approach the helicopter.

Unsure when they would next meet again.

"Thought you'd leave without me?" Called her favourite voice as an arm extended around her shoulder.

"Mind the jacket" she joked as she brightly smiled up at her friend. "I looked, ask him - I really pissed him off, making him wait" she justified as she pointed at the officer in front of the pair who rolled his eyes smiling, slightly.

"Even when you're on the line, you still push every boundary." Fanboy joked.

Lara's smile faulted. Until, she noticed the bag.

"Fanboy, what's with-"

"Lieutenant Mitchell." Called the ever-dominant voice before the two Pilots. "Lieutenant Garcia." Admiral Bates addressed the pair from the helicopter as the pilots began to re-engage with the aircraft now the parcels had arrived. Both approached the craft and climbed in.

"Sir, my actions were my own - please don't let this affect the performance or reputation of my fellow copilot." Lara panicked as she imagined the worst case scenario for this ordeal.

Lara Mitchell was more concerned that she had failed to consider the implications her actions may have had on her friend, as she had ignored his attempts to pull her back into reality across the radio.

Fanboy smiled as he listened to his dear friend plead for his career. Apparent she had not been informed of the whole situation.

"You got her good, Warlock. Think she understands just how serious it could have been this time." Payboy congratulated his boss as he sat beside him, patting his shoulder.

The men looked between themselves smiling proudly before returning their gaze upon the young, distraught, pilot before them.

Lara cocked her head and furrowed her brow in confusion at the pair before her.

Watching as Bates shook his head, before speaking. "I told you, Lieutenant. You're running out of lives."

"Headsets on, radio switched station 801." Was called from the front seat as the headsets dangled  above the passengers. As instructed, the three geared up and buckled in.

Checking their stations and testing their audio.

All three indicated to the Pilot they were set for lift off.

Bates spoke through the comms as the helicopter began to ascent - watching over the pair who looked down upon their squadron and the sailors of Battleship Vespa. "You've been called up to Top Gun." He informed, instantly gaining the attention of Lieutenant. Mitchell.

"Wait..." Lara whispered.

Smiling at the young Lieutenant before him, Bates spoke once more. Watching as realisation hit the young aviator before him.

"We have been called to Top Gun."

Being a daughter of naval officers meant that Lara Mitchell never had a home 'base' as such. Lara's mother and father met at the Naval Fighter Weapons School at Naval Air Station, Miramar. So - in Naval speak, she was a Miramar girl.

Growing up, Lara had met many friendly faces. She was hard to read - as she was straight talking and confident. Sometimes, her confidence was misconstrued to be arrogance. However, those who really knew Lara would know she was very nervous in most circumstances. Lara just knew how to carry herself, very well.

Pete and Lara were very alike in most ways. Lone birds trying to find stable ground. Always looking for the extra thrill despite clearly ignoring most instructions if it meant finding the areas past their limits. Perhaps that was why they got on so well. Charlie had always been concerned that their mischief would cause problems in their future - but she never minded, she knew they would always have each others backs in any situation. She learned that every time one of them got in trouble, the other would be straight there finding any excuse under the sun to get out of trouble. Charlie knew Lara loved them equally though, Lara thought the world of her family. Hence why Lara's training plane was called "Mavlie".

Lara didn't like to let many people close. She felt that every time someone came in to her world, they'd either leave or sadly pass. Apart from the few that had stuck by her throughout.

Fanboy had been lucky, he said it himself. Fanboy loved her dearly, and worked very hard to achieve the high status he held in her world. It took him a lot of time, mind you. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him to begin with, but now she would trust him with her life - she would give anything for him. Just like she would for any of her close friends and family.

Family - Maverick. Pete Mitchell adored his daughter more than he ever thought possible. She was his world. He'd tried at every stage to talk her out of the Navy - he couldn't bare to see her end up in a similar situation to his best friend, Nick Bradshaw... call sign "Goose". He even debated holding back her papers, but was swiftly opposed and made to reassess his choices by those close. Deep down, Maverick knew she needed the Navy almost as much as the Navy needed her and her skills.

Pete kept every certificate and award which Lara achieved. He framed each one and hung it proudly along his hanger walls - he would talk about Lara endlessly if anyone cared to listen.

She was his lifeline in many ways.

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