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Day 1

"I feel like you're punishing me for something I didn't do, Ma," Casandra complained as sat at the kitchen table with all the Madrigals looking at her like she was a stranger.

Which in the Madrigals' defense she was to them.

"Please, don't call me Ma," Julieta whimpered as she looked at all the pictures they had collected in the house that should have had Mirabel in them.


They didn't.

Instead of Mirabel it was the girl in front of them in every picture.

Casandra gave Julieta a look, "Your literally my mom, I'm your daughter. Your youngest daughter?" She looked at Agustin still confused, "Come on, Pa. Tell her. I'm your little Cassie-Wassie?"

Agustin looked befuddled at this.

A chuckle was heard from Camilo, "Cassie-Wassie?"

"Shove it, little sunshine," Casandra shot back looking annoyed.

Everyone looked shocked at this. That was Pepa's nickname for Camilo. How did this girl know it?

Abuela took a deep breath, "So, Casandra-"

"Abuela, you only call me Casandra when I am in trouble," Casandra said looking at the family, "Am I in trouble? I literally haven't done anything today!"

Sweet confused Antonio blinked, "But isn't your name Casandra?"

"Well yeah, Antonio but you know everyone calls me Cas," Casandra explained looking confused"Why are you guys acting like you don't know me?"

They all shared a look but Isabela just snapped, "Cause we don't! Mirabel disappeared and suddenly you're here and- and are you eating a mango? When did you get a mango?!"

Everyone blinked as yes, suddenly out of nowhere the girl had a mango.

Cas paused in her eating, "Yes and just now."

Frustrated Isabela yanked it from her hand but was surprised when suddenly it was back in Cas' mouth, "How the fuck?"

"Language!" All the adults shouted as Dolores and Antonio covered their ears.

Speaking of Dolores her eyes wandered over to the new door in the house. She stared at the hourglass on it, "Time... your gift is time?"

Cas took another bite of the mango and looked confused at Dolores, "Well kinda. I stop time, speed up time, slow down time, and rewind it."

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Julieta scolded off handley still looking at the photos lost.

Cas looked annoyed but then suddenly the mango was gone and she sat there with a cup of coffee instead, "Sorry, ma."

Camilo stared in amazement, "Are you just stopping time to get things?"

"Well, no one wants me to leave the table and you're not explaining what's wrong with you guys," the very much not Mirabel complained with a look that, honestly that look was very Mirabel like this was messing with their emotions so much.

Luisa finally snapped crying, "This is too much. Where's Mirabel? And who's this?"

Cas jumped a little, "Lu, calm down please."

"Don't tell her to calm down stranger!" Isabela snapped.

"Yeah!" Camilo added.

Pepa started thundering as Felix tried to soothe her.

Julieta wailed as Agustin hugged her.

Dolores covered her ears as Antonio hugged her.

"ENOUGH!" Abuela shouted angrily.

Casita rustled its titles at the shout.

Everyone silenced as Abuela took a breath, "I think I understand. I believe..." She took a moment before looking at her family, "I believe the miracle has switched our Mirabel with Casandra. That they have switched worlds."

"Who's Mirabel?" Cas raised her eyebrow looking at everyone as she asked for what felt like the 100th time.

"Mirabel is my daughter," Agustin answered looking at Cas confused.

"No, your daughters are Isabela, Luisa, and me," Cas replied shaking her head before looking at everyone, noticing all their sad faces, "Oh. Oh. Well, crap. Why would the Miracle do that?"

Abuela looked stone faced and after a second said, "Cause I wished for it."


No one is happy, they had a good idea of what had happened. Abuela had made a wish and the miracle did it. Cassandra was basically from a world where she existed instead of Mirabel.

Cas just shrugged at this. This technically didn't affect her too much, she was still with her family, her home, etc.

Everyone wanted to yell at Abuela, blame her but they needed to keep it together for now.

Which is how Abuela talked them into town to keep up appearances. That tonight after some thought they may have an idea on how to proceed.

Well, that was the idea anyway.

So the Madrigals got ready to head to town all in emotional distress and ready to fake it through the day.

Abuela blinked though as she saw Cas trying to leave as well, "Casandra where are you going?"

"To help?" Cas replied looking confused, "I usually go around town repairing things."

"No, you're going to stay here and watch Antonio."



Antonio decided Cas must not like him that much.

He had happily brought all his best toys to show her after the rest of his family left for town. He showed each toy to Cas smiling. He explained how he got them, who gave them to, and what they were.

Cas was barely paying attention to him though, she had set up on the couch book in hand occasionally humming at him as she read.

Well, he'd just have to show his best toy then! It was a toy Mirabel had made him. It was a stuff toucan. Cas'll have to love it! From what he understood she was Mirabel, just a different one.

He looked in the box and his face fell. The toucan wasn't there. He ran up the stairs and looked around. Where was his toucan?

Antonio looked and looked. It wasn't in his bed, or his toy box, or any place he would keep it.

He teared up and started crying. If Mirabel was here she would find it. Mirabel would play with him and pay attention to him as he talked about his toys and animals.

Antonio felt himself get picked up and turned to see it was Cas.

"What's wrong Toñito?" Cas asked slightly concerned, "Your Mami will fry me if you're hurt."

"I can't find my toucan," he whined, "Mirabel made it for me. But its gone. If Mirabel was here she'd find it. But shes gone..."

Cas got a look on her face and sighed, "Anotino, it'll be okay. I'm sure Mirabel and your toucan will turn up soon."

Antonio wasn't so sure of that. But as he looked at Cas she gave him a smile he recognized as the Mirabel everything will be okay smile and relaxed a little, "Okay."

"Cool, in that case let me show you something," Cas said as she took him out of the nursery and headed to her room, "maybe he will make up for the toucan."

The boy nodded.


Meanwhile in town, everyone was staring at the family mural. Specifically at Cas being in the mural now. 

Careful What You Wish For, AbuelaWhere stories live. Discover now