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Isabela tried not to watch the last of the women, Daniela Navarro and Natalia Merlo, leave. But she found her eyes following them as they left. She sighed they were so beautiful and kind. Especially Daniela.

She shook her head fiercely. No, perfect young women don't eye women. Prefect granddaughters don't think think those things about women like that. She sighed heavily.

"Did you like my gift?"

Isabela's eyes shot up to the voice and saw Casandra smiling at her from a rooftop.

"You!" She cried and shot a vine to pull herself up there.

"Oh shit!" Cas rolled away as Isabela swung onto the roof.

"You! Why did you send all those girls to me? They...they..."

"Flirted with you?" Cas supplied as she flinched away from Isabela's angry stop.

"Yes! Why would you...ugh...that?!" Isabela was so angry she couldn't speak right or think straight.

"Um, you're single and I'm trying to help a sister out?" the younger girl replied with an innocent look, "I figured maybe you just need a little help. Dolores helped me get my girlfriend, Gabriela."

"Girlfriend?" Isabela stuttered in shock, "Abuela would never agree to that."

"I think we established my Abuela is not nearly as strict as your's," Cas smirked as she stood up and dusted the dirt off, "Come on Isa, I think Daniela is really into you and is way less clingy than Natalia."

"Stop, I...I don't like women," Isabela lied as she looked to the side.

"Yeah, like I believe that. I've read your diary," Cas rolled her eyes.

"You read my diary?!" Isabela screeched as she stomped her foot down.

A cactus sprouted up right underneath Cas causing her to jump to avoid it.

"Jesus Isabela calm down," Cas muttered not noticing Isabela's shock at the plant, "I need you to not stab me. I also need you to drop this Senorita Prefecta crap."

The sass of the girl pulled Isabela out of her confusion of the cactus and narrowed her eyes, "You don't get to call me that."

A glim appeared in Cas' eyes, "What? Senorita Prefecta? What is only Mirabel allowed to call you that?"

"You don't get to mention my sister," Isabela's eyes narrowed again and she didn't notice all the new plants appearing around her, "Not unless you feel like telling us the truth and where she is! Or even what is with that extra door in your room!"

"You know what happened Abuela wished her away and that door is my business," Cas replied with a shrug, "And keep saying things like that and soon we don't mention Mirabel will be said almost as much we don't talk about Bruno."

That sentence caused a horrible look appeared on Isabela's face. We didn't want that to happen to Mirabel. She didn't want her to have the same fate as Bruno. Isabela had loved Tio Bruno and sobbed when he left and she couldn't live without Mirabel. Isabela knew she was far from the prefect sister but...but....she couldn't live without her dorky sister. Without hearing her soft singing when waking them in the morning or the occasional new blankets Mirabel made. Or her smiles.

"But enough about that girl," Cas cut in her thoughts, "I believe we were talking about you. Have you considered telling Abuela that you hate pink? Or that maybe you're not ready for marriage? Or that you don't want 5 kids?"

Before Cas could blink a pumpkin was being launched at her head.


Camilo was pulling the 8th crying kid off him as he explained that Mirabel would be back soon. Probably.

Careful What You Wish For, AbuelaWhere stories live. Discover now