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Agustin was honestly having the worst day. Honestly, the worse. His youngest daughter had disappeared, replaced with a basic stranger. He really would love to blame it all on Alma. But he knew that wouldn't be fair, as Casandra had implied earlier. It was a little bit of everyone's fault.

Agustin had been the one to look for Cas as his wife was deep in tears and technically it was his responsibility as he was still this girl's father. It wasn't that hard to find her as he heard soft piano music playing. He followed it to the room he and Felix used as a music room.

He leaned in listening to the beautiful tune he had never heard before. This was another difference between Mirabel and Casandra it seemed. Mirabel played the accordion, she said the piano wasn't different enough, that it was something both he and Luisa already knew how to do.

Agustin was about to step in when he heard the tune get a little more aggressive and Cas started singing along to it, " I would move the mountains. Make new trees and flowers grow. Someone please just let me know, where do I go? I am waiting on a miracle, a miracle. I would heal what's broken. Show this family something new. Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go!"

Agustin raised his eyebrow, she was a good singer but the song. The song sounded sad, but there was something more about the song....

"I am ready, come on, I'm ready. I've been patient, and steadfast, and steady. Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago when you gave us a miracle," Cas finished as she stopped playing the piano, "Am I too late for a miracle?"

Agustin watched the girl sigh, like she had a lot of weight on her. He raised his hand and knocked on the wall, "Cas?"

The girl turned around and stared at the man, "Oh, Papi."

"Hey, Cas." He replied as he tried to entered the room but immediately tripped over his own feet and hit the ground hard.

He groaned and planned to get up and probably get an arepa from his wife when he felt his body start to move against his will. His body in slow motion move in an unnatural way, he felt himself fall up and back to how he was before he fell. He was back up right and had no injuries anymore.

Agustin was in shock till he looked ahead and saw Cas' glowing green eyes and raised hand.

"Be more careful, Pa," Cas replied as she looked back down at the piano, thumbing a key.

"That was...."


"...amazing," Agustin paused and moved forward to sit by Cas on the piano bench, "Do people call your gift creepy?"

Cas motioned to her eyes, "They glow green like Tio Bruno's and I can literally stop people's bodies. I can take away people's control of their bodies with my gift. Yeah, people call me creepy."

Agustin didn't know what to say about that. Isabela and Luisa's gifts weren't like that and Mirabel was a whole other can of worms.

"Did we do anything about this?" Agustin honestly asked.

"Abuela did," Cas smiled, "Abuela said if they didn't respect me, they wouldn't get my help. I only help those that are nice to me. Abuela is the best."

That surprised Agustin honestly considering the way Cast talked to Abuela earlier.

"So, you going to scold me or what?" Cas asked with a look, "I'm waiting for 'Casandra Valentina Rojas Madrigal, You can't talk to family like that.'"

"Oh, is that your full name? I can use it now," he teased as Cas rolled her eyes, "But, I'm not. Cause you're right. That's something we never should have let happen. But.....It would have made it real you know. If we ignore it, we wouldn't have to deal with the fact that my baby girl would never be like her sisters or the rest of the family. Addressing the room situation would have put a finality to it."

Cas took in what Agustin said with a look of 'oh' before taking off her glasses as handing them to him, "I have glasses. Mirabel does too, right?"

Agustin nodded looking at the blue square glasses, why was she bringing this up now?

"I'm pretty blind. Without them, I kept running into my cousins as we played, really knocked myself bad here at like 3," Cas pointed right above her right eyebrow, "My parents took me to get glasses, you did the same with Mirabel." she took her glasses back from Agustin, "It was a fact we wouldn't see like the rest of the family. You addressed that Mirabel was never going to see like the rest of the family. The room shouldn't have been any different."

Agustin sighed, "Mirabel never said anything. She even seemed excited about sharing with Antonio."

"I can't speak to what Mirabel was thinking but she probably was happy to be trusted to help with Antonio," Cas guessed as she got up from the bench, "But I would talk to Dolores about what she may have heard."

"Speaking of you should probably apologize to Dolores for that," Agustin said looking uncomfortable, "You probably ruined her and Isabela's relationship over a boy."

Cas seemed to get a look on her face that only an amused chaos being would have, "Please, Papi. Isa doesn't even like him. I'm doing her a favor."

"Wait, Isabela doesn't like him?!"


"He's too muscular and I hate poetry," Isabela complained as she sat annoyed at the table.

"It's poetry is so heart felt though," Dolores explained as she whipped her tears with a tissue.

It was a long talk. One that happened through dinner. But Isabela had admitted that she didn't like Mariano that much and that she thought made he would grow on her. He hadn't.

So, Dolores in tears hugged Isa and thank her for letting her have a chance.

Abuela wasn't pleased but she understood. Dolores really seemed to like him too.

They had also had a brief talk about Mirabel's room for when she got back, it was tense but the adults had agreed to talk to her about the options with Mirabel and decide which one she liked best.

Which lead them to now. Cas had decided to have dinner in her room and Antonio had been sent to bed.

The remaining family was now sitting at the table trying to come up with what to do. The most they had come up with was to have Abuela just wish in the candle and hope for the best.

"Um," Dolores muttered looking at everyone, "um, I think. I think Cas may not be entirely truthful. I think she knows more than she's saying."

"What makes you say that?" Pepa asked concerned to her daughter as everyone else shares a look.

Dolores thought back to the book with the future date, her knowledge of Dolores' crush and Isabela's feelings about it, and the way she talked in her room, "some things just aren't adding up."

Abuela hummed, "we may have to look into this more."

The family continued talking no one, not even Dolores paying attention to the eyes in the walls watching them.

Careful What You Wish For, AbuelaWhere stories live. Discover now