The Fierce Battle

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Hello! I'm Jooostan! I first started this story on, but when I realized I actually HAD a Wattpad account, I decided I'm gonna put it on here too! The story is fully complete, and I'm actually working on the sequel right now! I hope I can find a new audience on here as well! Enjoy!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 1: The Fierce Battle

He was finally here- Majora's Lair. After hundreds of cycles, venturing through the vast yet bleak world of Termina, he was ready. Link's resolve couldn't be stronger. Went he first started this journey, he just wanted to get home. Now, he was fighting for an entirely different reason. For everyone here. Everyone he first saw as just uncanny versions of the people he knew back home, just variants, now people he came to adore and have the desire to protect. The Zora singer who lost her eggs, the distraught Goron looking for solace, the fallen king of Ikana, the fine couple who were torn apart by that cowardly thief, and that ranch girl he admired for wanting to be a hero. All of them.

"Let's play good guys against bad guys... Yes. Let's play that." Link thought back to that Moon Child, who was wearing the mask of chaos. "Are you ready? You're the bad guy. And when you're bad, you just run. That's fine, right?"

Link looked into his bag, the only masks he had left were the ones with the souls of the righteous, and that new one. The one that child gave him before sending him here. It looked just like him, the mask, just older. It's war paint showed no signs of age.

Link closed his bag and took a deep breath, walking forward. Before he could do anything, a strange light emanated from his chest as he looked around. It flew off and split into four, each of the masks he gathered of the remains of the creatures he'd defeated emerging from the light. They took their places around the room before Link looked forward, seeing... it.

Majora. The author of all their pain. The demon witch who drove Termina to chaos. But Link would stop her. He considered readying his bow before the entire lair shook, the enormous mask of Majora on the other side of the room shaking to life, eyes glowing.

"Let's finish this..." Tatl whispered to her companion behind her, as the mask freed itself from the wall and grew its tendrils.

Link drew his bow and started moving, the unholy mask floating across the room, always facing him.

Link took a shot at her, but Majora was unfazed. Withdrawing his bow, Link figured he'd have to wait for an opening, which he didn't need to wait long for. Spinning around, Majora flew towards the hero, tendrils going about wildly. Link figured they'd lacerate his torso if he got in the way. He jumped to the side and got a look at the backside of the mask. Without a moment to spare, he drew his bow again and shot, stunning Majora, allowing him to jump with his Great Fairy Sword and slash at the demon witch.

She fell to the ground, and Link sensed trouble. All around him, the remains of Odolwa, Goht, Gyorg, and Twinmold came to life, surrounding him. Not knowing what they'd do, Link put up his shield as a precaution.

The remains took turns firing shots at Link, with him taking great care not to get hit, as Majora recovered and lingered behind her entourage.

Soon they ceased their attack, moving out of the way for Majora to unleash a new bout of fury. She faced the hero head on, and her tendrils shook violently. Confused, Link lowered his shield a bit, unable to anticipate the searing beam of heat that was fired at him from Majora's eyes.

His left tunic sleeve got singed, and he reeled back in pain as a few of the remains took pot shots at him again, sending him backwards and only blocking the last one. Majora readied her beam again, and Link, mirror shield in hand, got an idea.

Just before she fired again, he took a defensive stance with his shield and waited. The beam hit his protector and bounced back. Link then took careful aim at the Gyorg remains, the concentrated heat soon bringing about its' demise. The beam stopped before he could really damage the next one in his line of sight, but he knew what to do.

Majora, however, knew better. For the next several minutes, she didn't use her beam attack, during which Link resorted to arrows to bring down two other remains, leaving just Majora and the remains of Twinmold.

Twinmold got aggressive, shooting constantly at Link, as Majora went in from behind and readied her beam again.

"Link! Behind you!" Tatl chirped, and just in time, Link spun around and countered Majora's attack, reflecting it back at the demon until bringing her to the ground.

Link took steady steps towards the writing mask, but readied a light arrow and spun around, meeting Twinmolds' gaze as it attempted in vain to sneak up on the hero in green.

"Gotcha." Link stated coldly, and shot his arrow, the blinding light encompassing his target before it fell to the ground and vanished.

Majora rose, and in a fit of rage, fired her beam almost immediately, catching Link off guard. His right arm got burned, but he rolled and took out his shield again. Wincing from the heat of his arm, he couldn't aim the beam back for a moment, but he got his bearings and brought the mask down yet again.

Link shared a look of victory with his fairy companion, but it was short lived. Majora rose once more and floated to the center of the arena. Tendrils withdrawing, she shook violently and out of the bottom of her mask sprouted legs. Then from the sides, arms materialized, and then a single eyeball rose from the top.

Link, dumbfounded, stumbled back, as the new form of the mask began running around, making childish gobbling noises as it.

"Was this... a game?" Link wondered, as he witnessed Majora do strange dances, not of them he recognized.

He just stood there until Majora stopped and faced him. Before he could react, she fired strange energy, electrocuting Link and bringing him to his knees. Majora cackled and started her bout again, strange dances and all.

Rising from the floor, Link was met with a great force and went flying, Majora having ran into him whilst having her fun. Link landed with a thud, sword clattering to the ground, item bag leaving his belt and falling to the ground.

"Come on, Link! Get up! I know you can take her!" Tatl pleaded, as Link struggled to get up.

"I- I don't know- "Link started, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness overpowering his timid voice before looking into his bag which felt onto the ground when he landed.

He didn't know if any of the masks he had could stand against Majora, but there was one he knew nothing about.

The Fierce Deity's mask. For a moment, everything stopped, as Link thought about everything that had happened. The world revolved around him as he got lost in thought. Everyone that now mattered to him. Anju, Kafei, Romani, Cremia, Pamela, The Deku Princess, Darmani, Mikau, even Skull Kid. All of them raced through his mind as he thought of why he was here.

And Link put the mask on.

He flinched, and Majora stopped dead in her tracks. Link didn't know what to expect. He was always flooded with the memories of the fallen whenever he put on a new mask. Feelings of love, grief, happiness, fear, everything that the soul had been through in an instant.

But here it was different. He was overcome with emotion when it happened, and he had a brief vision of something he couldn't comprehend. It was terrible. The greatest feeling of loss he ever felt went through him in a second.

On the outside, Majora felt something for the first time... something foreign and strange. As Link's body changed and grew, she stepped back. The mask watched as her opponent was consumed by light.

Just before he was visible again, Link sprouted wings. The grand mask Link had put on fostered some angelic abilities, but they and the wings soon vanished as Link came to.

He looked at himself and stood up. All his wounds of the battle were gone, as if they meant nothing. His armor gleaming in the light of Majora's lair. He felt it flow through him, the power. The absolute, unlimited power he was granted. He turned his gaze from himself to his opponent.

"You..." Majora said, her voice not emanating from a mouth, instead coming from what seemed like everywhere, as she glared at the cosmic anomaly across the room.

Once again, the Moon god and the sun goddess stood before each other. And an enormous, double-helix sword materialized on Link's back, which he took hold of firmly.

Link stepped forward and was ready for battle.

The Fierce God Given Life (Majora's Mask Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now