The Odds Will Betray You

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Ah, the penultimate chapter of the main story! For anyone wondering, there are epilogue chapters, but I'm getting ahead of myself. It's been nice to republish this story onto Wattpad, and I may even start putting out the sequel story, but we'll see!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 17: The Odds Will Betray You

The place was quiet for a moment. Several various soldiers lie in ditches, waiting for their enemies to appear. Some were knights, others were a few hailing from the kingdom they were protecting, and there was even a certain swordsman. Their captain, due to his large size, was unable to be right beside his troops as he preferred. He was forced to hide behind several nearby boulders to ensure the plan was a success.

The silence was deafening while on the battlefield, none of the participants had gotten any good rest in weeks. They all lay in waiting as the wind howled throughout the valley. Everything seemed still for so long, regardless of if the wind was making the leaves of the trees rustle violently.

"So... when do you think those cowards will get here?" One of the kingdom's loyal soldiers whispered in an attempt to make some small talk. The tension was too high to keep silent for so long.

His Terminian cohort chuckled before making his response. He was sure to stay quiet. "Heh... I have no clue. We all have been waiting for nearly an hour." He looked up at the sun to confirm the time. It was difficult to do so without a clock, but he managed.

"Gentlemen!" The swordsman across from them hissed quietly. His long, brown hair was parted so he could have unimpaired vision for this battle. The scar that spread along on his right arm served as a reminder to have his hair parted during a time like this.

"This is no time to chat..." The swordsman warned, a finger over his lips in emphasis. He had a terrible feeling about today, and the others chatting like it was nothing simply heated his nerves.

The soldiers' train of thought was broken when the sound of footsteps raking in the grass became audible. Everyone silenced themselves and got back into position. The fog in the distance provided a secondary cloak for the squad of robed ones coming into view but lasted only a moment. Once the soldiers could see the green, piercing eyes of their enemies did they prepare themselves.

It was their targets, the Garo.

Almost every soldier held their breath when they saw the first units arrive. A few of the Garo scouts looked around the field. When they didn't pick up and signs of danger, they dashed back into the fog. Not a second later did the Army of Darkness emerge. Their weapons made little sound as they walked, but their eyes remained observant of the area, darting around like mice making sure the coast in clear before going after a crumb on the floor.

The soldiers were about to begin their attack, when they all froze. The entire reason all these varied warriors had gathered in Ikana had appeared at last, The Garo Master. His sabers were retracted, allowing him to grab a rock with his hand and inspect it. He brought it close to his metal mask and then dropped it. Something was amidst.

A single stray arrow flew into the sky, catching the attention of every robed warrior. It started to descend, and before its target could react, it plunged its way into the top of one of the Garo foot soldiers, killing it instantly. Suddenly, more arrows were fired, and they rained down on the army of espionage. A few hit their targets, but a majority struck the ground and rested there.

"Attack." The Garo Master ordered, his voice calm and collected.

The Ikananan and Terminian army rose from the ground, and Captain Keeta stepped out from his hiding place and pointed valiantly to the approaching army. Without needing orders, the soldiers charged at the mob of spies.

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