Epilogue 1: Special Occasion

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First epilogue chapter!  Not all that much to say, but hopefully this story will stop being dormant on this site so there could be some demand to put the sequel on here! Enjoy!

The Fierce God Given Life
Epilogue 1: Special Occasion

Two Months Later...

Link and Romani were walking down the hill of West Clock Town, their hands interlocked. Romani now wore a new dress, its design remained the same as her previous one, now a robin egg blue and larger to accommodate for her slight growth spurt. Link was clad in a beige tunic now, also a little bigger to match his height, wanting his signature green to mark when he was armed and ready for action, something he hadn't been since that fateful day in Ikana Canyon.

The pair walked into the Trading Post, their desire set on some more Deku Sticks for a plan they had for Cremia. A very special day was coming up regarding the ranch owner, and the children wanted to make it perfect.

"Heyyyyyy!" The Man from the Trading Post said. He felt a constant itch on his back but faced his customers with pride. "What can I do for you two?"

Link placed the required amount of Rupees on the desk and purchased ten Deku Sticks.

"Ah, the best seller! Enjoy, pal!" The man said, handing Link the items he bought. He and Romani turned to leave before the merchant piped up. "Hey, thanks again!"

Link waved the fellow goodbye as they left the shop.

"Alright, so you made sure to get sister out of the house for the day, right Grasshopper?" Romani asked as the two left Clock Town and walked towards Milk Road. Link simply nodded at his girlfriend's question while they continued on their journey.

The leaves of the trees had already turned red, yellow and orange now. The new autumn breeze whisked through the shallow valley of Milk Road. It was an absolutely wonderful experience to be out during this kind of weather. Link couldn't take his eyes off of Romani, the image of her hair and dress flowing in the light wind captivated him to no end. Her features were a little more defined now, and it made Link go through an odd new feeling towards her.

Entering the ranch, Link and Romani got to work. They, alongside the help of Jim and a few members of the Bombers, set up the Deku Sticks in front of the house. Link retrieved a large banner from the barn and tied it to the posts before they set it up. It read "Happy Birthday".

"Hmmm... It's missing something." Jim commented, taking a step back to look at the banner. "Maybe some light?"

Link thought for a moment until an idea popped into his head. He ran to the back of the house and soon reappeared on the roof, laying on his stomach to reach where the posts holding the banner ended. He reached into his bag and got out two light arrows and some string, and he tied them to each stick where they connected to the banner, making for a great source of light.

"Thank you, Grasshopper!" Romani called to her boyfriend, blowing him a kiss. He only responded with a reddening of the face. He climbed down the ladder to admire his and his friend's handywork alongside them.

"I think it's pretty good!" Link stated cheerfully, taking his hand off his chin. Jim just chuckled before the entire group left the ranch, heading back to Clock Town.

"Hey mom, we're back!" Link hollered once he opened the door to the Stock Pot Inn. He and Romani stepped inside, and Anju entered the lobby from the stairs just a second later.

"Good, I think I'm running out of things to distract Cremia with." Anju whispered as she brought the two kids in for a tactical huddle.

"That's ok! Romani and Grasshopper can take over!" Romani whispered with excitement. Anju and Link giggled as quietly as they could.

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