Will You Be Ok? - Part 2

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Actually, I'm gonna release the 7th chapter, THEN let things settle down. I hope you like what I've posted so far!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 6: Will You Be Ok? – Part 2

Link finally opened his eyes. Everything was hazy for a moment, the early morning sun shining from the window.

"Link!" He heard a voice say. He was too drowsy to recognize it at first, but when the voice said his name again, he finally was able to match a face to it. It was Anju.

When his vision finally returned to him, he saw the innkeeper sitting on a chair just beside him. Then Link realized he was in bed. He saw his gear, hat, and boots, all on the other side of the room by a chest and the bookstand.

"You've been asleep for almost 12 hours now." Anju said, taking a wet cloth she had in a bucket beside the bed and placing it on Link's forehead.

After a few minutes recollecting everything he could in his head, the first thing he did was move the blanket from his body. Not even noticing his lack of tunic, or the bandages wrapped around his damaged body, he tried getting up.

"L-Link! Honey!" Anju exclaimed, trying to get Link to lay back down. He was an immovable force.

It was when Link left the bed and put pressure on his one leg while trying to stand did he realize just how much pain he was in. For a second, his leg wobbled, before giving out, leading to the battered hero falling to the floor with a desperate grunt.

"Link! Please, you're not well enough!" Anju tried to convince the young boy, but he was overcome with emotion. Whimpering as he tried in vain to crawl his way to the door, he finally gave up, almost going limp on the wooden floor of the employee room.

"T... T-Tatl... I need..." Link started, his voice breaking. He had never felt so helpless. "I need Tatl..."

"Tatl?" Anju said, as Link finally gave up and she picked him up. Carrying him back to the bed and laying him down, she took a look at his leg. The boy never had such an overwhelming feeling of foolishness. He didn't bring Tatl along. He didn't use Great Fairy Sword. He didn't put on the Fierce Deity's Mask when he had the chance. He didn't hookshot anything while falling from the temple down the tower. He failed.

While Link's mind raced, Anju mentally noted that the potion he had last night healed most of his wounds, but his bones would need more time to repair themselves.

Kafei finally entered the room, after hearing the commotion of Link's collapse onto the floor. When Anju whispered in his ear, he had a new objective. He left the inn without a second to lose, looking for this mysterious 'Tatl'.

"You need rest, Link. You've been through something... terrible." Anju's voice broke at that last word. From all she had heard of this boy, from her husband, Cremia, and Cremia's little sister, Link had been through a lot. Perhaps even more. From his usual lack of speech, her mind could only imagine what could've caused such a young man become nearly mute.

Soon enough, Kafei returned to the inn, some new companions following behind him. Before the front door even closed, Tatl was the first to get to the employee room, flying as fast as her wings could carry her.

She bashed her entire body on the door as Tael caught up with her. "LIIIINK! Are you alright?!" She screamed, fear riddling her voice like hail falling upon the roof of a house. She tried to make her little body move the door, getting nowhere during the effort.

Tael didn't know what to do. He'd never seen his sister be so... afraid. Once Skull Kid and Kafei joined them on the top floor, Kafei was the one to let them all in.

Tatl rushed to her companion. "L-LINK! YOU IDIOT!" She yelled. Once she got a look at her former partner, her voice halted. Seeing the boy who battled demons unimaginable, seen things that would shake a soldier to the core, lying in bed with the most helpless expression on his face, she didn't make a sound. She couldn't.

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