You Can Rest Now

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Part three! Here, you'll notice a significant change from what we started with. My plan for this is to first begin with the finale of Majora's Mask, and then delve into something more original by the 3rd chapter. I hope you guys are liking it so far.

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 3: You Can Rest Now

It was a new day.

Link heard the neighing of Epona. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by Tatl and Tael.

"Aah! He's awake!" Tatl exclaimed.

Link sat up, shaking his head. He felt a major headache, but it subsided as soon as he saw Skull Kid standing in the clearing nearby. He, Link, Tatl, Tael, and Epona were in Termina Field. It was day. The moon had vanished from the sky.

Skull Kid was looking up, to the four giants. There was a moment of silence between everyone, as Skull Kid mustered up the courage to finally speak.

"You guys... You hadn't forgotten about me?" Skull Kid said, tones of regret lining his voice.

The giants responded, but Link couldn't understand them. However, Skull Kid did. He lowered his head in shame, trembling.

"You still thought of me as a friend?" he said, whimpering. Tatl and Tael flew to his side. They didn't say anything, and the giants began singing their song, as they returned to their places in Termina, the ground shaking at their steps. Skull Kid did not watch them leave, still hanging his head low.

There were a few minutes of silence, until Skull Kid looked back at Link.

"I thought they didn't want to be friends with me..." he said, looking out into the distance. "But... They hadn't forgotten about me."

"Friends are a nice thing to have... Heh, heh."

Looking back at Link, Skull Kid said, "Could you be my friend, too?"

He then walked towards Link, causing Epona to faulter back in caution. The little imp sniffed Link curiously, and then giggled as a thought entered his head.

"Eh-hee-hee... You have the same smell as the fairy kid who taught me that song in the woods." Skull Kid said, causing a memory to return to Link.

"I know, I know! Let's do something!" Skull Kid chirped. Before he could finish his thought, the Happy Mask Salesman appeared out of nowhere, holding Majora's Mask in his hands.

"Oh... so the evil has left the mask after all..." he said, before looking back at Skull Kid and Link, who both turned their gaze to the salesman.

"Well, now... I finally have it back." He said with his trademark smile, the expression never changing on his face. He then continued with a chuckle. "Since I am in the midst of my travels... I must bid you farewell."

He strolled along, going between the imp and the Hero of Termina, the boy in green watching him as he walked. Skull Kid was once again trembling in shame, his actions that started this whole chain of events racing through his mind.

The Happy Mask Salesman soon stopped in his tracks and turned around, only a few meters from the group.

"Shouldn't you be returning home as well?" He spoke, who exactly he was talking to remaining a mystery. His words had an unknowing effect on the boy in green, causing him to freeze as he pondered the mans' question.

"Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow." He continued. "However, that parting need not last forever..."

"Whether a parting be forever or merely a short time... That is up to you."

Link was still thinking, those words adding more and more to the boy's thoughts.

"With that, please excuse me..." The Mask Salesman finished, before he started his walk again. But he soon paused and turned around again. "...But, my, you sure have managed to make quite a number of people happy."

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