With Great Power

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Hello! This chapter will be a little bit different than any previous chapter. It's actually based off of something that actually happened to me when I first beat the Great Bay Temple when I was first playing Majora's Mask on my 3DS. I'm unsure of any of you have a similar story to what happens here, but I felt like it could really hit home the theme that I wanted to convey here.
Anyways, enjoy!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 9: With Great Power

Link's story began with him falling. His body cascaded through time. He landed back at the door to Clock Tower. The boy held the biggest smile he ever had on his face.

Link had just defeated Gyorg and completed his journey through the Great Bay Temple. Even he admitted it was tedious, but once he won the battle, he grew some ego.

Link felt like he was on top of the world, something so out of character for the boy. He never felt so frustrated at any point prior in his journey when he was at Great Bay. No part of his quests compared, both in Termina or Hyrule. Tatl kinda liked this new side of him. It took her by surprise too, but she already grew fond of it.

This cycle, Link decided to pay a visit to Romani Ranch again. It had been a bit and he thought he need some time off after what he had just been through.

He went through the usual routine, meeting Romani, practicing shooting the targets while on Epona, and making plans for 2 in the morning. While he waited out the day, Tatl convinced him to treat himself to some fun in Clock Town. He beat the record in the archery game, again, he knew to become a Goron to get a discount in the Treasure Chest Shop, everything he could do to pass the time. But what he did without even knowing was feeding his own cockiness. For the first time, he grew arrogant.

Heading to the ranch at 1:30, Link was cutting it close. He was able to catch Romani just before she entered the barn. Link didn't bother convincing her to join him outside as backup as he did the very first time he faced the invaders. He didn't think he'd need help now.

Once They appeared, he just stood on top of the wooden crate in the front yard and picked off the creatures with ease. Ignoring the dog as it ran off to the back of the barn, he just kept firing his bow.

What he didn't realize was the pup was trying to direct his attention to the nearest invader. As it floated closer and closer to the barn, Tatl finally caught a glimpse of it. But it was too late.

"W-Wait! Link! Over there!" Tatl chirped. That was what got Link to finally look back, but his face went pale at what he saw.

The being phased right through the wall of the barn before Link could stop it. An arrow dinked on the stone barrier. Then, they all stopped. Looking around, the boy didn't know what to do. The creatures very matter shifted into pure light, and warped to the barn, the only thing visible as they sped towards the building being the streaks of light left behind.

Their orb hovered to the roof of the barn, and then blew it apart. Pieces of hay, wood, rope, and string exploded into the air as a beam of light shot down from the orb to the floor of the barn.

A cow was risen into the air and was consumed by the orb, and then another cow followed. Link could only watch as they stole the poor animals. But when Romani floated up into the light did Link's ego completely wash away.

Cremia, awoken by the blast of the barn roof, ran outside and froze in horror as she witnessed her sister be taken away. Link attempted to shoot his hookshot at the sphere of energy, but the hook only went through before returning to the hilt of the tool. Once all the cows were gone, the light coming from the sphere disappeared, and then it flew away into the distance.

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