Walking Alone

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Sorry for the long delay between chapters. Life has been tiring and I haven't been motivated to even post an already complete story, let alone write for the one I'm currently working on. But anyways, I hope you enjoy!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 13: Walking Alone

Link and Tatl were making their way through Ikana once more. After his bout against the King and the mysterious new song under his belt, Link decided to actually explore the death-ridden area more thoroughly. He found that the Great Fairy Fountain was close by, so it'd be easy to get their later on, but there was a little, unsuspecting hut that caught his eye.

Walking in, Link was met with a familiar face. That fellow with the staff that was sitting on the ledge cliff before. But his voice seemed different. He couldn't tell if this man was the same person, or something else entirely.

"Eee-hee-hee..." The spirit chuckled. "Ikana Kingdom was founded on this land, stained with a history of darkness, drenched in blood..."

The four spectres behind him cackled ominously as he spoke to Link. The Hero of Time could've sworn he had recognized them from somewhere. He didn't have time to think about the prospect; the spirit sitting before him spoke up again.

"Even now it is a place were troubled, regretful spirits gather. If you are seeking the one who is stronger than you are, you may find strength here..." He gazed behind himself. "...from a group of spirits plagued by lingering regrets."

He turned his eyes back to Link. "If you have faith in your skills and might..." He paused.

"...then try saving these wandering spirits." An invisible grin formed. "Yee-hee-hee..."


Another three weeks passed. Link was growing ever more comfortable in Termina, and comfortable with himself. He and Romani held hands more often, he hugged Anju and Kafei regularly, and he tried to stop wearing his gear everywhere. It was hard at first, especially with the occasional feeling of being watched, but for the past three days, his sword remained in his bedroom.

However, today, he needed to wear his gear. It was time for another milk delivery today, and the ranch sisters decided to go out during daylight instead of risking it all in the dark of the night.

"See anyone up there?" Skull Kid asked the sisters who were sitting at the front, his staff and Link's bow were constantly at the ready.

"Nothing yet!" Cremia replied. While she did have to drive the carriage, she was still able to keep a keen eye alongside her sister. The boys returned their gaze to the back again after her response.

Luckily, the squad was able to get to Clock Town without incident once again. While Cremia handled the payment with Mr. Barten, Link and Romani helped with getting the milk down the stairs of the bar. Cremia still had things to sort out, so she let the trio head off on their own for an hour to relax. She needed some relaxation too.

Romani and Link walked around town, the jingling of rupees nearly drowning out their own thoughts. Skull Kid did what he usually did and hang out with Jim. He was doing his best to repair their relationship, as well as his relationship with the entire Secret Society.

"Grasshopper, Romani's bored!" Romani whined. She liked the sound of rupees, but now it had gotten annoying. She wanted to find something to do with her 'boyfriend'.

"Wanna go to the Inn and read?" Link asked, a meek smile on his face. He knew Romani loved it when he read to her. She was always happy to hear his voice for a long period of time. After all, he usually didn't talk much.

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