Epilogue 2: Decommissioned

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Hello! Another chapter for you! I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading this, but hey, it's still nice to get these out on another platform.

The Fierce God Given Life
Epilogue 2: Decommissioned

Another Two Months Later...

Link awoke with a nudge from Epona. Sitting up in the snow, the boy in beige sniffled before looking back at his loyal steed. For the past several days she had been so restless in her stable. Link hoped to ease her spirits by sleeping outdoors by her side, but he overestimated his power to withstand the cold of the snow that now blanketed most of Clock Town.

Epona was, gladly, feeling better with the comfort of her friend. Link, on the other hand, now felt terrible. How was he supposed to hang out with Romani now? Their milk shipment was today. Slowly walking back home, he shivered and sneezed the entire way back.

Link wasn't greeted at the door, much to his dismay. He tried to head upstairs to his room, but gave up after the first five steps, slumping onto the stairs in defeat.

"Link?" Kafei said as he left the employee's only room, surprised to see his son laying face-first on the stairs. The boy just groaned in response, not moving an inch.

"Oh goddesses... What happened to you?" Kafei asked, inspecting Link as he neared him. He noticed the clumps of snow stuck to his tunic and he helped the young man sit up.

"I wanted to..." Link's words were slow, and they got interrupted by a sudden sneeze. "T-Try and calm Epona down..."

"Out in the cold?!" Kafei nearly shouted. He was met with a nod from his surrogate son and his worry grew tenfold. Running back upstairs, he returned a minute later with a blanket to wrap Link in.

"Anju! We have a problem!" Kafei called. It didn't take long for the innkeeper to emerge from the employee's only room.

"What is it?" Anju asked, descending the stairs. Her question was almost immediately answered once she took one look at her son.

"Link?! What on earth happened to you?" Anju wrapped her arms around the boy and brought him close for some much-needed warmth. She took a look at his hands. The tips of his fingers were a deep red. Frostbite. Luckily, it wasn't too severe.

"We need to get some warm water for him. Go down and fill a bowl with some moderately warm water. Not hot, it could hurt his hands more, got it?" Anju ordered her husband. As she took Link upstairs to his bedroom, Kafei left for the kitchen.

Anju managed to get Link to his bedroom, and she removed all his wet clothes, wrapping another blanket across his chest to keep his decency for him. Link was hardly conscious now, a sign of moderate hypothermia. Anju was never so fast lighting the fireplace. The room gradually warmed up and Link slowly grew more comfortable. His pulse hadn't slowed at all, relieving the innkeeper.

Kafei entered the room with the bowl on warm water. Anju took it and gently placed Link's frostbitten hand into it. Now they could only wait and see how he recovered. After a few minutes by his side, Anju left to make him some tea. A warm drink could help him get over his hypothermia alongside everything else they had done.

"How did he end up like this?" Anju finally asked after she made sure Link drank the warm beverage. He wasn't awake enough to do it himself.

"He said he slept outside in Epona's stable to keep her company..." Kafei muttered.

"He did?!" Anju accidentally rose her voice slightly, causing Link to shift in the bed. Anju's next sentence was a whisper. "I thought he was in his room all night."

"Me too." Kafei brought Anju in for a hug.


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